I was induced and I think I struggled to stay calm. I found it quite painful. I'm hoping a natural birth will be better for me and will try to relax more this time as pp said, if you try to relax and just go with the flow then that's the best way to deal with it. I think my anxiety got the better of me first time round. I still managed 9 hours of contraction then had to go on the drip to speed things up so they gave me and epidural as I was bed bound anyways. My advice would be to be open to try whatever you feel you need at the time. There's no right or wrong way. If you need pain relief it's there, if you can cope without that's great. If a c section is needed then that's what's best. I don't think you can personally plan a labour, I think you just go with the flow of it. Try not to worry though, I was actually excited to know what it felt like. If people do it again then it's gotta be worth it and I'm one of those doing it again lol.