Yes Jules!!!!!!! Waking up at 5.30am most mornings...this is not like me...I love my sleep
Had an early scan today.....she measured at 4mm and I saw a heartbeat
she said 5w 5d pregnant but I think my dates are far more accurate. She did say there is always inaccuracy with measuring something so small though. Proper dating happening at 12 week scan so I will adjust ticker then if needed.
I thought I saw two flickers eeeeep but she's sure there's only one and the other thing I saw was lining of my womb pulsing.
was a bit worried
Ugh, mitchnorm, I can totally relate... I went to bed dead tired yesterday and woke up at 5am this morning with MS and haven't been able to go back to sleep since then. So now I just wonder around the house like a zombie waiting for hubby to wake up. We need our sleep!!!!
And congratulations on the heart beat!!!! It's so exciting, isn't it? As for the flickers, I know the womb pulsing is also a possibility as my doc took my pulse while checking for my bean's heart beat to make sure the little flutter we saw wasn't on the same beat as mine. So I'm guessing that's actually a thing?
I have my 12 week scan on 21 July. I'll be 11+4 by then. My next midwife appointment will be at 16 weeks which will be end I August sometime. Seems ages away! The tiredness and exhaustion is so bad. I'm struggling to keep up with work and house cleaning and stuff.
Hang in there anti! I'm going through the same as I'm hardly doing anything most days and it still feels like I've been working from dawn till dusk...
Here's munchkin
Congratulations happynewmom!!!! Awesome little bean!
Well I finally gave in and took the zofran the doc had given me...I was hoping for a miracle cure but alas, no such luck. Still having a hard time even getting myself to drink water. I swore I'd do things better this pregnancy but forgot how the only thing that sounds good is crappy food. Mac and cheese, anyone?
My 2 year-old is getting to watch a lot of extra cartoons too since I've no energy to play with her. She deserves better
. Remind me how short this all is in the great scheme of things, please!
It sucks big time, but hang in there honey! Maybe it needs a couple of extra days to start working properly? In any case, don't be so hard on yourself, since you really can't help being so low on energy at this point. Hopefully, things will start looking up soon!
AFM, after I had a major freak out on the day before yesterday with the weird tearing feeling on my lower abdomen, I went to the doctor's office yesterday with a feeling of dread... At some point, while in the waiting room, I asked to use the toilet just to check for blood because I was worried something was gonna go wrong. Yeah, over the top I know, but I couldn't help it. It almost feels too good to be true sometimes and I keep worrying that something might happen to take it away from me.
So, anyway, we went in to see the doctor, who gave me a list of dates for various examinations and a looooooong list of bloodwork. Then we went for the ultrasound.... And little bean was there! I almost cried with joy! Hubby was making fun of me because I'm not usually sentimental, but I was so moved it wasn't even funny. We even saw a little flutter which was probably a heart beat and my doc was all surprised to find it at 5w+1 (he was even checking my pulse to make sure it wasn't my own pulse fluttering), but nope, it was beating at a different rhythm!!!!!
And I was all like "hang in there, little bean!"
In other news, since I have a history of autoimmune thyroiditis, my doctor told me it's best to keep my TSH below 2.50 and mine was at 4.25 at last count, which although generally normal is not enough for the pregnancy. So I'm also getting an Endo referral. I'll probably go on thyroid pills I'm guessing. He also asked us if we wanted to do the thrombophilia check on top of the regular testing. I'm leaning towards yes as it has raised percentages in our country and I've had people in my close environment with MCs because of it. But it's another thing out of our pockets probably. Oh well, so long as bean is kept safe and healthy!