Fed up of this now


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
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I am fed up of health visitors and appointments and other crap. It's the same old every time they weigh her and go on about how she has not put on much weight and want to come back in a month and check again.

So where do I go, to find out WHY she is still only 15lb 11oz? She has never put on a lot of weight, and to get here from being only 1lb 3oz is a long way, but as I have been taking the dieticians advice and adding butter, milk, cheese etc etc to her food, WHY is she not putting on more weight!

My HV has left (thank god!) and I get the nicer one now. Who has just told me that, because I told the old one that I didn't want the occupational therapists to come because they weren't helpful she was going to report me to the social!! :dohh:
She was the one that would not believe me that Anna could sit, and this is why she then wrote a letter back to the paediatrician saying that she felt Anna was too far behind, and he had written back to the HV's saying that he thinks I should have the occupational therapist. If that bloody HV had just listened to me I wouldn't have this problem, there was no problem apart from the fact the HV was a moron.

Now my new HV want to come back in 3 weeks to do Anna 20 month development test, which of course is going to make her look behind as she will only be just over 16 months corrected!! :dohh:
She was on about how she should be walking, and she is really wobbly and if she comes back and there is no real improvement she is going to say I have to have the occupational therapist back!! :growlmad: ARGH I just want them all to go away!
I know my daughter and if I had any concerns over her development I would say so. But now I feel I have to let more people into my house just to make sure she doesnt call social work because I would never get the *******s off my back.
I hate people, I hate strangers and I am fed up of all these appointments. I know Anna needs checked up on more because she was early but it is really doing my head in now its been going on for too long.

I'm sure I am supposed to have a paediatrician appointment soon so when I go I am going to push them into finding out WHY Anna is still so small instead of just saying they will have to look into it if they don't see an improvement by next time.
I have no real advice but can offer you huge hugs :hugs: We, too, are very resistant to the idea of Social Services becoming involved in our family. Fortunately our HV was happy to take a back seat and leave Andrew's issues up to the specialists (e.g. his neonatal Paediatrician).
also no real advice here to offer but here if you need a good vent I can only imagine how frustrated and fed up you are by now like you say you know Anna inside out! Flipping HV's etc seem to get in the way and contradict the paediatrician with prem babies grrr

I am close friends with a family who were in NICU same time as us and our boys are bestof friends, wee Cameron still tiny compared to my matthew and like you dieticians high fat diet and all that they just keep telling her he is just 'small' developmentally he is ahead of matthew what these wee fighters lack in one area they make up else where im sure Anna is way ahead in other areas xx

I have just looked at Holly's book and at 18months actual she was 15lb 15oz so not much heavier than Anna. Only difference is my HV doesn't give me any hassle about it and accepts she is small. If anything it probably stresses me more then the HV! A consultant at Simpson's also said it would probably be nearer 5 before she catches up in growth.

When you HV does the development tests be very firm that you want them done based on her corrected age and not actual as this is what your neonatal clinic base them on.

Good luck xx
How long will you need to see your HV for now hun? I know ours drifted off about this point because her care was under neonatal and other places that her visits became well, pointless, as all she could do was weigh her - the rest was all sorted out by us or neonatal.
I know how you feel when alfie and thomas was born 13 weeks early my HV kept ringing the hospital and asking when they due home when they were only a week old so the nurses kindly kept saying ring back closer to the due date I felt she didnt understand that they were going to be in the neonatal unit for quite a while and she got stressed recently because the red book only show the chart from 32 weeks and my boys were born 27 + 5 so it wasnt perfect. I got another appointment in feb so not looking forward to this :blush:.
Ive just looked through my diary and in jan ive got 15 hospital appointments getting fed up of this they are at various hospitals I know it for the boys best but it does get me down as I have to work round the hospital and it takes me ages to get the boys ready as they are both on oxygen, I hope this does get easier in time. sorry just needed a rant.
I will a least give some credit to your HV. One of the complaints I hear most often is the HV showed no interest whatsoever whilst LO was in hospital. Your HV clearly has no idea about Preemies but I'm heartened to hear she at least shows an interest before they come home.
I'm hoping after our next paediatric appointment they will 'dishcharge' us and then I hopefully wont need to see the HV until she needs development tests?

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