omg FOB`s can be such arses!! I get so annoyed when I hear about what they come up with, they all seem to be good at twisting things round, making us ladies sound like cows, and make them sound like the victims. PLONKERS!!
I certainly wouldnt be travelling anywhere to meet me, My ex lives 10 minutes away from me, and I have swore to him, Im not taking the baby to see him, if he wants to see his child he should want to travel thru hell and high water to see baby.
I wonder where their heads are some times. What about his family? do u think they have a right to know they are going to be grand parents or do u feel its best that u just stay away.
I know our situations are different, but MIL has been so supportive towards me, but I think its cause A. shes disgusted and ashamed of what her son has done on me, (she cant even bring herself to tell her friends that her son, choose someone else over his pregnant wife - so they all think we are still together) B. its her first grand child.
But whatever u do, ul be a great mummy, and baby will be exteremly happy, and FOB will be the one that suffers in the long run. xxx