Hi guys
Me and DH have been ttc for over a year now and i know I should get back to the GP so we can be tested but i am generally scared. Has anyone else felt like this?
DH is very positive and says if there is a problem there is always adoption but for me there is nothing like having your own bundle of joy.
Im just feeling down in the dumps and need some positive comments to keep me going.
I am sorry your are feeling down
. I understand that feeling all too well. Me and DH have been trying for going on 7 years. Had my first BFP in August 2012 and had a MC same month. It was devistating, and this feeling of wanting a child never seems to go away. It is so hard to try and look to the future and wonder what is to come. The only thing that keeps me going is still hanging on to hope. It took 6 years for us to concieve with the help of Clomid, preseed and soft cups. I feel the same way you do when it comes to having my own baby, it is very important to me. Adoption is a wonderful thing too, but you have to truly want it and have let go and be past wanting your own biological one.
I wish I knew more to say, but I don't. They only thing I can say is, your not alone. I waited until we had been trying for 2 and a half years to finally go see a doctor and turned out I had PCOS and was not ovulating. DH took a SA and it came back that he had no living sperm. We were crushed so we gave up at that point and felt that maybe it was not meant to be. 3 years later of NTNP the desire to be parents struck us once again. Me and DH decided to see a different doctor and I demanded that they redo my DH's SA. His second one came back completely normal. We had to go through more testing. Turned out I had MTHFR also so that added to the mix but it was treatable. The new doctor put me on a high dose of clomid and for the first time I ovulated, didn't get pregnant but I ovulated! Second cycle I added preseed and soft cups and bam very first BFP.
The point I am trying to make is, don't wait to be seen. If I had gone after a year to see what was wrong we may have been parents by now or much closer to it. It is never easy to find out if there is something wrong, and if there is it may be able to be fixed. But hun, you won't know until you get seen. It is much cheaper to test men then women, not to mention easier. SO, you could always start with him and if he checks out then you could go. It is important that both parties get checked. I know it is easier said than done, but I have been where you have been and not knowing is difficult.