Hi all,
I'll try to keep this brief, my daughter Katie was stillborn at 38+3 wks last june,
I turned 40 in september, and had been ttc since august last year, because of my age I went to my GP after no BFP despite trying for 6 months, (I know this may seem like not a long time, but it is when your over 40) anyway my GP tested my blood on cycle day 21, the result came back that I wasn't ov'ng,
So we resigned ourselves to being refered to gyno for possible course of clomid, but on saturday I just had a very strange feeling inside and used my last HPT and to my disbelief it was positive!!
I then bought another 4 tests including CB digi and they all came out positive!!
Been to my GP this morning and she could not stop herself from laughing and has took blood to make sure I am in fact pregnant
Surely 5 positive tests cant be wrong? I'm feeling nervous now, really wishing tomorrow afternoon comes fast so I will know for sure,
So sorry to have gone on but I had to get it out, thanks for reading, take care
hi everyone,
well I'm now officially preggars, phoned GP and my blood test is positive, WOOHOO!! I'll try to relax now!
Thanks again for all your lovely replies,
I'll try to keep this brief, my daughter Katie was stillborn at 38+3 wks last june,
I turned 40 in september, and had been ttc since august last year, because of my age I went to my GP after no BFP despite trying for 6 months, (I know this may seem like not a long time, but it is when your over 40) anyway my GP tested my blood on cycle day 21, the result came back that I wasn't ov'ng,
So we resigned ourselves to being refered to gyno for possible course of clomid, but on saturday I just had a very strange feeling inside and used my last HPT and to my disbelief it was positive!!
I then bought another 4 tests including CB digi and they all came out positive!!
Been to my GP this morning and she could not stop herself from laughing and has took blood to make sure I am in fact pregnant
Surely 5 positive tests cant be wrong? I'm feeling nervous now, really wishing tomorrow afternoon comes fast so I will know for sure,
So sorry to have gone on but I had to get it out, thanks for reading, take care
hi everyone,
well I'm now officially preggars, phoned GP and my blood test is positive, WOOHOO!! I'll try to relax now!
Thanks again for all your lovely replies,