Feeling sad about how my body is/ will be. Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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Before my first pregnancy, I was 5' 4" and 128 lbs. I wore a size 2 and had an hour glass figure with nice boobs and could wear a bikini. I got pregnant immediately after my last baby was born - so a surprise pregnancy. Now I am 5' 4" , 176 lbs, whale sized blob with saggy boobs and stretch marks. I don't see how my body (especially my boobs and tummy) can recover from this ever. I used to work out all the time and now I can't due to full time job, baby, pregnancy and thyroid problem that causes my heart to do funny things. I have water retention up to my hips and its hard to move. I feel like somebody else. I didn't lose the weight quickly after the first baby even though I breast fed, I still had 15 lbs to go when I got pregnant again. I'm so depressed. Yes, I know I am giving life etc. etc. but I am miserable about my appearance. I look like a fat cow.I don't look nice in any of clothes I have. My face is fat, my fingers are fat and my tummy is destroyed. I feel sorry for my husband.
Aww Hun don't be so hard on yourself! I can relate though.. I use to be in perfect shape with a six pack just this past summer.. Now I've gained 40 lbs and won't be able to work out for a long time bc of my heart conditon. But honestly, I'm just so happy and greatful to have gotten pregnant and to be able to meet my baby and be a mommy that I'm not too worried about my body anymore.
You will spring back into better shape and you have these two beautiful children! Hang in there! Maybe set a spa day for yourself and get your hair and nails done and a massage!
Im depressed abt how it will b after.. Im 5'3" and was 102lbs pre pregnancy. I liked the way I looked I didn't have to watch what I ate rly or workout that much. I had small c boobs that were perky and round. Now I am 130 and I feel like a huge whale. My hips r wider my thighs r bigger i have stretch marks on my boobs...none on my stomach yet *knock on wood* but everyone loves to tell me how ur body is never the same after pregnancy and how eberything sags and how if u breastfeed they sag n r smaller and how if u end up having a c section ur stomach will never b the same n stuff..and im only gonna b 21 when I have him so that would be super depressing if I never have my body back at only 21 :/
I obviously love my son and dont regret getting preg but it would just suck..
I'm 5'8 and was 155 when I got pregnant which was 10 lbs heavier than I wanted to be. The scale now is over 200 and I have stretch marks on my BACK even. I feel ruined as well. Trying to stay optimistic and just be grateful for the blessing of a baby but I am terrified. I feel so bad for OH. I started working out this last trimester to fight the weight gain and it has helped some as my weight is jumping all over the place so sometimes it's not too bad but I do get severely depressed some days. The truth is that there's nothing we can do about it now really so no use fretting. But I am right there with ya!
oh ladies... stop being so hard on yourselves :(

firstly... i bet your all gorgeous...
secondly... men don't care about stretch marks and dont find it any less appealing... its been proven just incase u were worrying about that.

thirdly... the whole "you will never go back to what u were" i personally think is for the most part bogus!
no of course its never gonna be like exactly the same but neither is your mind or your life.
the only women i know who have said that they have never gone back (as in extreme) have been women who are too lazy to do anything about their appearance after child birth! (excluding medical conditions and stuff of course)
all of my friends have kids... im the last to pro create hhaha and i swear that all of them except one i would have never told before or after the difference...
and two of those had c sections...their sex lives havent sufferd, their husbands still find em extremely atractive.
the only one i know who looks a lot heavier etc is coz she sits on her bum eating choccy biscuits all day lol

its your body...its your choice and if u want to return to your body after pregnancy then don't let anything stop u!!!sure it wont happen over night and u might not be able to get away with eating stuff u used to... but its totally possible to look just the same post baby.

your all carrying beautiful gorgeous babies that will change your life forever...
so next time u think of a stretch mark... think of seeing your bubas first smile...
stop being so hard on yourselves... remember ... at the end of the day our looks will fade eventually no matter what u do ... but our kids will be there til the end :)
I agree with the above. No your body will never be the same... You grew a baby in your tummy and gave birth to a life! It's what we are meant to do! The culture we live in expects perfectly slim women with pert boobs and flat tummy and unblemished skin. Well that's not reality. The magazines are airbrushed and men don't really care about all that. They are just normally excited to see a naked woman.. stretch marks and all.
After childbirth you will lose the weight aslong as you eat right and do some excersise. Remember 9 months on 9 months off. Yes some women walk out off the hospital looking like they never had a baby but most of us don't lol. If you are a rich celeb you can have your private trainer in after the birth but personally I wanted to sleep and cuddle my son!
I had my son in Oct 2010.... It took a while but I was back in all my old clothing eventually. In the summer 2012 I actually felt skinner than before I had him. Currently 34 weeks with number 2. Try to stay positive ladies. Yes a flat tummy is lovely but being a mummy is so much better.
Yep I'm feeling that too.

I was 5'7 and 157 lbs, I'm now 194 lbs. I'm really disappointed, but I'm hopeful that the year that I have off with babe will give me the time to work out :(
I've come out in stretch marks this week.. thought I was doing pretty good to have pretty much avoided them until now.

I know people say you have no idea how little time you have when the baby is here blah blah but I will try my hardest to work off the weight.. it's important to me to not let myself go.. I know I'd be pretty miserable if I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin.

Anyway tankini's are in these days arent they?! :haha:
I feel similiar, I had a great figure before being pregnant and it does worry me, especially if my tummy and boobs will ever be the same. I can't wait to have her and start dieting and exercising again to be honest!
I was 120 lbs before pregnancy. All I've been craving is meat. My postpartum goal is to start a vegan raw food diet (something I sort of got into before pregnancy). Eating more raw and juicing or making smoothies for meals made me feel so energized and fresh. Some women even eat like that during pregnancy, but I decided to just stick with pregnancy cravings. I've seen many people lose a lot of weight and feeling 110% better (like a new person) by simply eating healthier. Exercise is good, but some people really shouldn't do too much cardio. Something like light yoga will suffice.
My last pregnancy my son suffered with iugr and I had severely low fluid from 23 weeks. I weighed 115lb by the end of my pregnancy after losing a lot of weight due to hyperemesis. I still had a flat stomach on the day if my c section at 34 weeks. This pregnancy I've put on 14lbs. I'm expecting to get bigger, and get stretch marks. If it means this baby gets to come home, I'll embrace every single one of them. I'd much rather have a stomach riddled with stretch marks and saggy boobs, and be able to kiss my baby goodnight, than have a flat stomach and only have a photo next to his urn.

My stomach looked no different after my c section once all the swelling had gone down. With underwear/bikini on, the scar isn't visible and you'd never know. I don't expect to walk out the hospital and have my pre pregnancy body back, but set yourself realistic goals. Once baby is here, instead if sitting in with them, go for a long walk with the pram. we don't drive, and that's the only reason I don't think I've gained much, I walk at least an hour every day. It will take time, but there's no reason you can't look how you did before pregnancy. Stretch marks fade, but you're a lioness that's earned her stripes xx
oh ladies... stop being so hard on yourselves :(

firstly... i bet your all gorgeous...
secondly... men don't care about stretch marks and dont find it any less appealing... its been proven just incase u were worrying about that.

thirdly... the whole "you will never go back to what u were" i personally think is for the most part bogus!
no of course its never gonna be like exactly the same but neither is your mind or your life.
the only women i know who have said that they have never gone back (as in extreme) have been women who are too lazy to do anything about their appearance after child birth! (excluding medical conditions and stuff of course)
all of my friends have kids... im the last to pro create hhaha and i swear that all of them except one i would have never told before or after the difference...
and two of those had c sections...their sex lives havent sufferd, their husbands still find em extremely atractive.
the only one i know who looks a lot heavier etc is coz she sits on her bum eating choccy biscuits all day lol

its your body...its your choice and if u want to return to your body after pregnancy then don't let anything stop u!!!sure it wont happen over night and u might not be able to get away with eating stuff u used to... but its totally possible to look just the same post baby.

your all carrying beautiful gorgeous babies that will change your life forever...
so next time u think of a stretch mark... think of seeing your bubas first smile...
stop being so hard on yourselves... remember ... at the end of the day our looks will fade eventually no matter what u do ... but our kids will be there til the end :)

Thank you for this :hugs: x
Thats ok hun :)

You girls are all so lovely and supportive to each other and I have no doubt u will all be or already are fabulous mummies :)

Stretch marks and c scars are like battle wounds... im sure we will all look back eventually and smile at em and it will remind us of how cute and little our bubbies were coz god knows it doesnt last long :)

And to whoever said are tankinis in?...
Huni im making them in!!!! Hahaha
Taking little man to swimming lessons at 6 months old so im gonna make em be on trend lol
Ladies, try not to worry too much.

I put on 4 stone (56lb) in my first pregnancy. I lost it within 5 months, had to work hard to get rid of the last 1.5 stone but it came off.

My body will not be the same again, yes there are some more stretch marks and tummy is not as firm as before but you will get your shape back.

If you are an hourglass figure already then if you lose the weight, that hourglass shape will come back.

Try not to worry too much and just know that you will exercise and look after yourself afterwards. Remember a lot of fluid will be lost instantly when you have baby xx
I plan to rock my turbofire and Chalean Extreme workouts as soon as doc gives me the go ahead after labor.

We should start a group for May births to get your bodies back.

I lost 102 lbs in 9 months in 2011 through working out 6 days a week and watching what I ate 5 days a week.

I did that with two foster babies in my home at 6 months and 17 months and my six year old boy. I just had them dance around me while working out.

If I could do it then, I can do it again.

My only concern is "when" I will be able to start working out. I had a July 27the family wedding and will hope to have 30 days of workouts in by then.

My biggest reason for working out...I became the most active person for the kids and it was wonderful for them. I am 42 years old and feel like I am 25....even through this pregnancy.

I have kept to working out, but much less frequently...probably 3 days a week lately.

I have put on over 30, but trying not to stress.

I can do it later...let me tell you...this is a miracle that some woman never get to enjoy...let's rejoice in our temporary chubbiness!

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