Fertility and Age



I keep reading about how fertility drops quite dramatically after 35. What are other people's thoughts on this?

I'm 35 this year, and feel under pressure to ttc before then, and it's making me feel stressed. I'm just wondering if it really does make so much of a difference, or do books and magazine articles exaggerate somewhat?

Hi there,

I dont know if what the books and magazines are necessarily true or false, I think they just come up with averages for age. Whilst your chances of conceiving may decline as you age, it does not mean it cant happen.
I had my 2 boys when I was 19 and 21. I then had my daughter last june at the age of 39, (Katie sadly died, but had nothing to do with my age). I then fell preg in march this year, but had mmc in mid-april, so I'm ttc'ing again.

The longest it took me to get preg was the last one, it took 6 months, but doc's think that was due to the stress from losing Katie.

Anyway, just wanted to say try not to stress to much about it, you are still young enough to have babies for a good few years yet. My gran had my uncle at age 42. Hope this helps??

Take care :hugs:

Would not zone in on statistics. I am 43 and have a 11, 8, 3 and nearly 2 year old. I also had a miscarriage between the last two.So I would say my fertility is ok. Good luck
up to the age of 40 or so, i think that its less of a concern, for some, it does pose a massive problem and that cant be denied, however, i think some of it is hype and the scaremongering media like to get involved in. For eg, you are more likely to have twins in your mid - late 30's because of declining fertility, but effectively, thats increased fertility as your body might start kicking out 2 eggs at a time in a rush to get pregnant before the menopause

Im 38, and i got pregnant within 3 months of trying - im still hopeful enough to think my mmc was chance, rather than a fertility problem
Hi Sugarlove... I am 35 and got pregnant with twins (identical) last dec after 5 months of trying, although I think I only oculated twice in that time because it took so long to get the merena coil out of my system and I have quite long cycles. Sadly I lost the twins at 21 weeks but I am sure this was not due to age. We are ttc again, although still waiting for first O after mc... I have felt the most ready in every way, certainly alot more than I did when I had the boys at 24 and 28 and I think that helps alot :)

good luck x
My grandmother got married at 39, had her first baby at 40 and second at 42. (And this was back in the 1940's!) My mother had my brother at 35. (Oh and I should mention that my grandfather was 43 when he got my g-mom pregnant. My stepfather was 48 when he got my mom pregnant). Here's to old eggs and old sperm!

I've gotten pregnant at 34 and 35, though both ended in mc. I don't think age played into the mc's though. (Hoping not anyway since I'll be 36 in October!)
I would agree with everyone else. Its not fertility per se that diminishes but how many eggs you have left. Since egg reserve starts to diminish even in the womb (shocking but true. You lose a small amount even before you are born, how i don't know but its a fact) and every year after so its only natural that by the timeyou are in your thirties you are playing with a smaller deck, so to speak :)

However, if you are otherwise healthy and your cycle works as it always did, regardless of less eggs you are more likely to get pg than not. The only difference is that it might take you a little longer than a 22 year old - but as the girls have testified above - some with not much difference than younger women. I got pg twice within 6 months each time ( i sadly mc'd most likely to an undiagnosed underachieve thyroid - which is now under control) at nearly 38 and nearly 39 - and i don't think that's so bad! :)

It also depends on how you view it; i read a woman fertility specialist put it this way: Whereas a man's sperm is 3 months old and therefor as old as he is, the quality that is, our eggs where made at conception and therefor as new as they come, so as long as you're taking care of yourself you still have the odds in your favour.

Yes, lots of people have problems and those could, may be and sometimes are age related but from what i know its usually problems that until were undiagnosed or/ and due to things that have happened in life (such as undiagnosed chlamydia etc). However, to spend time worrying about it wont do anyone any good. If you gave something you worry about, go seek out help and information but if you don't stay and on the path and im sure pure diligence will pay off.

I would also add that i do think there is slight scare mongering going on as more and more people need fertility treatment and also delay having children and that raises problems for some areas of the public/business - but from my own pool of acquaintances and friends and talk at the 'water-cooler' i think the problem does not so much lie in women waiting too long or that fertility drops off but that simply we live in such a polluted world these days that im sure its impacted on overall world fertility. It is simply staggering how many people have fertility problems these days and suddenly its an issue - i think not. So yes, some things are exaggerated so take it with a grain of salt. And do not get freaked out about the above statement, i think its more of how you ( or should i say 'they' ) apply statistics as such, as opposed to it all 'being doom and gloom'.

Besides, in my book...35 is young! :)

Good luck hun!

Omi xxx
Hi, I had daughters at 31 and 33. No problems trying to get or stay pregnant. Now I'm 40...took a while to get pregnant and then MC'd at 9 weeks. Although I'd love to ignore medical statistics, they are based on collected data of millions of women, worldwide. Also, it is taking a lot longer for me to heal from the D&C and for my cycle to return to normal again. Note that I eat very healthy and organic food and run on a regular basis. I'd love to say that recent MC was just a fluke, but think it is more related to my age than I want to admit. Turning 41 in 2 weeks, and boy that clock is tick, tick, ticking!

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