Fil strikes again.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2011
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Like a lot of you I have big problems with my in laws, you might remember some of my previous posts. On Friday I had words with oh bout it all and he'd said he's had words with them which made sense as we hadn't seen them a couple of weeks. He said as he's not seen his mum for a while he was wondering if she could come over so to be the bigger person and to show I'm bring reasonable trying to make it work I said yea invite her. So Saturday he invites her and she goes on about why can't we bring lo to them, we said no it's freezing out we aren't taking her out which oh got moaned at about that. Tall about give an inch take a mile.

Anyway the in laws invite absolutely everyone round even if they aren't invited. This was the case so mil, fil, sil and bil came not that I mind sil and bil tbh. So lo was asleep when they got here and fil was going on about how she's dull and pipes up with 'when's it gonna start doing tricks?' and then proceeds to 'shouldn't of had her should of got a puppy instead' then starts going on about how he hates kids especially babies. Then after a while got up said sod this and left. Why bother coming, he obviously didn't want to and quite honestly wasn't invited. Mil and fil came in different cars so he obviously knew he was going to do it.

Argh, I thought seeing as oh had spoke to them they might be ok. After the shit they pulled at Xmas and his dad trying to kick lo's nest to wake her up they should realise this keeps on and they really aren't welcome. Apparently they keep askin oh if he's going to propose, obviously coz they think it'd be harder for me to walk when they push me too far.

Sorry for the essay but they turn me into an angry beast.
:hugs: Sounds like a horrendous man.

I didn't see your previous posts but wonder if your OH gets on with him and how he was as a father when he was growing up ?
My oh has grown up with it and thinks it's normal. Tbh as much as he says he isn't I think he's scared of them and constantly looking for approval. His whole family are like it and the one member that isn't they bitch about. Fil was nasty before my pregnancy but they didn't want lo so they see it as we couldn't control that so we'll control her now. They are controlling to the point where when sil said she was saving to move in with her bf he told her to make him sign something to say it was all hers coz they'd only last a week.

To fill u in on my previous posts oh's gdad grabbed and shook lo's head to wake her up, let the dog lick her dummy and tried to stuff it in her mouth then had a go about how stupid I am when I snatched it and got her a new one. Oh's nan passed lo mm's oer a lit candle to mil and they just pass her around and treat her like a toy. They just pass her about n it's a struggle to get her back. They make me feel like I'm just the surrogate, when we came out of hospital they bullied us into going theirs late with everyone around
without telling us the two year old had chicken pox (me and lo bOth nearly died during labour and spent days in hdu) when we were both so weak. Then whe. We got there his gdad went 'that's her nanny she's ours don't you dare forget it'
Oh my god!

Id refuse to let them see the baby! Why are peoples behaviour so disgusting
I've told oh now that if they don't buck up and get some respect for us all they aren't seeing her. She's going nowhere without me and quite frankly I dot want her around all the negativity and their disgusting attitudes.
Poor you! What a horrendous situation to be in. They really do sound awful. Can't really give you much advice except try to avoid them if you can. :hugs:
It sounds like you have a tiny baby, because this was me when my daughter was first born but with MIL instead. You will find this courage once you have had enough and will lay the law down how you want it, believe me!! I wished I would have done it sooner. Just say what comes into your mind to FIL. You can question everything when it comes to your baby you are the mother and call the shots. If they do anything like make a dog lick a dummy say, "what the hell are you doing?" just because they are in laws doesn't mean they have a god given right to do anything they want without being questioned.
My lo is 3 months, it's been 3 months of trying to politely tell them no to the point of me snapping. They think they have the right to wake her take her dummy etc. She was unwell over Xmas so I was comforting her and was old 'it's obviously that Childs mother never puts it down' yet when she is down they want her picked up. They even compared my 3 month old to a 2 year old, not when she was my lo's age but her current age. I'm just sick of their snide comments.
I put up with MIL for 5 months doing what she wanted and walking all over me, and one day she had a temper tantrum and was sulking and I completely exploded on her and told her off like how you would tell off a child! I think you should speak up there and then otherwise you will end up exploding like me.
Maybe it's time to lay down the law,and if they don't showyou and your lo some respect, it's time to leave them out of your lives until they do. This is not good for you at all, you will end up exploding! Good luck with whatever you decide to do xx
I did blow up at them that they never call her her name just refer to her as it. But youre right. It's time to cut them out. I just feel bad for oh coz their constantly on at him x
How fecking rude to call your baby "it'!!!!!!!! I think you need to move on and leave the poison that comes with them behind. As your lo gets older they are gonna get worse and they're really gonna hurt your child's feelings so I think you need to protect from that now xx:hugs:
cut them out why would you want that shit in your lo's or your life?
next time you feel like "being the bigger person" remind yourself that it actually means letting them know your happy to lay down and take there crap. yuck they dont deserve your little family in there life xxx
I think your right. The only thing fil ever says to her is oi, I can imagine him telling her she was a mistake or something equally if not more nasty when she's older x
Oh Lau, ur FIL is such a grade-A knob head!!! I think you've every right to not bring LO to theirs ever again and if FIL says he's comin to yours I'd say it straight to him "don't bother, you're obviously not that arsed about "it" so I'd rather u didn't come tbh"
You might have to put up with the mil coming tho, but at least if he wasn't there thats half your headache gone :) hugs x
Haha I know. I told you about when someone said about how adorable lo is and he replied take no notice lo isn't anything special didn't I? Oh's gdad had an op couple weeks ago and they want lo around there. How they have the cheek I don't know.

Things better with your in laws Ruth?xx
Haha I know. I told you about when someone said about how adorable lo is and he replied take no notice lo isn't anything special didn't I? Oh's gdad had an op couple weeks ago and they want lo around there. How they have the cheek I don't know.

Things better with your in laws Ruth?xx

No I never heard that!! Grrr what a tw*t! He doesn't deserve to be a grandad. Things alright for me thanks, only seen them once since Xmas &they surprised me by being quite nice! Can't believe the crap you're having to put up with!x
Haha I know. I told you about when someone said about how adorable lo is and he replied take no notice lo isn't anything special didn't I? Oh's gdad had an op couple weeks ago and they want lo around there. How they have the cheek I don't know.

Things better with your in laws Ruth?xx

No I never heard that!! Grrr what a tw*t! He doesn't deserve to be a grandad. Things alright for me thanks, only seen them once since Xmas &they surprised me by being quite nice! Can't believe the crap you're having to put up with!x

Ahh good, glad their finally bucking up. I know I honestly don't know how they think it's acceptable. My oh's uncle who married into the family doesn't like them either. Can't say I blame him. They really are unbelievable, when lo was born they brought her a lil dress they said would be for her christening we got tutted at for saying we weren't having one and told we 'best not have a naming ceremony fing hypocrites'. Like that's their business, even if we were having a christening it's like they've chosen when by the age on the dress. Argh they make me sound such a bitch x
Oh my god. I am horrified! I would genuinely not have him in my house or my childs life, i really really wouldn't!
Things better with your in laws Ruth?xx

Ahh good, glad their finally bucking up. I know I honestly don't know how they think it's acceptable. My oh's uncle who married into the family doesn't like them either. Can't say I blame him. They really are unbelievable, when lo was born they brought her a lil dress they said would be for her christening we got tutted at for saying we weren't having one and told we 'best not have a naming ceremony fing hypocrites'. Like that's their business, even if we were having a christening it's like they've chosen when by the age on the dress. Argh they make me sound such a bitch x

No Hun, u don't sound like a bitch- I totally understand. My mil&fil bought the christening cake even though they knew I don't believe in christening!! And boy did the poop hit the fan when we said there'd be no christening! Hope things start to improve for you soon Lau x

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