I decided during early 3rd tri that I would like to try a completely natural birth void of any medical intervention (no iv, epidural, induction, csection, etc) with the understanding that if the baby was in distress than i would of course do anything i can to not put her at risk. Also, i vowed to not put myself down if i caved in and got an epidural. I waited until my 37 week appointment to talk to my OB about my thoughts. I told her I wanted a medical free birth if possible, considering my very easy healthy pregnancy and my low risk status. Before i could even start asking questions about how the hospital handles natural type births (seems we are the minority nowadays) she told us how every room has a large bath, birthing ball, IV's aren't mandatory etc. She told me everything i wanted to hear prior to me even asking any questions which i was pleasantly surprised about. She is one of 7 OBs that can deliver so she told me that when they check me in the nurses ask about birthing plans upon checking in so that gives me a peace of mind too. Just wanted to share the good news with everybody!