Hi Everyone,
This is my first post, so it will be a little long. I'll try to make it as short as possible. I am 29 and DH is 30. We have been married a little over a year, but have been together close to 10. We are very ready to have a baby now and can't wait until it comes along (and hopefully will)...
I stopped taking birth control about 5 years ago b/c i didnt like the way it made me feel. We were somewhat "careful", but after looking back there were probably many times when mistakes could of happened. Anyways, about a year ago I went to the Dr. and told her I was officially ready to "try". She sent me to get bloodwork done and told me to come back after a year if nothing happens. Thats where I am at now....
Again, 5 years with no real birth control and one year of officially "trying" (tracking cycles, ovulation sticks, holding legs up), you name it, we've done it and the fact that I have never gotten pregnant, not even a scare, worries me.
My cylces are very very regular, usually 26-28 days, I ovulate every month on day 13 or 14 and have never had any medical issue (thats known of). Some months my periods are heavier and crampier than others, and some are lighter. Some months I have ovulation cramps and spotting, which I have read is pretty normal and actually a good sign of fertility.
I have read alot online- which I heard in some cases is not good - but I really wonder why it is that I haven't been able to concieve yet. It seems I am ovulating fine, so based on what I have read, maybe my tubes are blocked or dh has poor semen. I know the Dr. will eventually let me know what it is, if anything, I know it could just be "unexplained infertility".
My questions are now the following: What should I prepare myself for at my first appt discussing this with the Dr? What questions should I ask? Honestly I don't want to waste too much time with diff. meds and tests, any advice on what I type of treatment I should focus on and inquire about based on personal experiences similar to mine? I know IVF is usually the "last resort", but would it be terrible to request that from the beginning? I don't think my insurance covers fertility treatments and I'd rather avoid spending money on other methods when they possibly wont work. - I'd rather pay for IVF now rather than wait a year of trying other costly options, that may possibly may not work.
Its hard for me to talk about this with any of my friends as it seems that they just blink and a baby pops out. I keep telling people we are waiting a "little longer" before we start trying.....
I would appreciate and advice, stories, help - anything!
This is my first post, so it will be a little long. I'll try to make it as short as possible. I am 29 and DH is 30. We have been married a little over a year, but have been together close to 10. We are very ready to have a baby now and can't wait until it comes along (and hopefully will)...
I stopped taking birth control about 5 years ago b/c i didnt like the way it made me feel. We were somewhat "careful", but after looking back there were probably many times when mistakes could of happened. Anyways, about a year ago I went to the Dr. and told her I was officially ready to "try". She sent me to get bloodwork done and told me to come back after a year if nothing happens. Thats where I am at now....
Again, 5 years with no real birth control and one year of officially "trying" (tracking cycles, ovulation sticks, holding legs up), you name it, we've done it and the fact that I have never gotten pregnant, not even a scare, worries me.
My cylces are very very regular, usually 26-28 days, I ovulate every month on day 13 or 14 and have never had any medical issue (thats known of). Some months my periods are heavier and crampier than others, and some are lighter. Some months I have ovulation cramps and spotting, which I have read is pretty normal and actually a good sign of fertility.
I have read alot online- which I heard in some cases is not good - but I really wonder why it is that I haven't been able to concieve yet. It seems I am ovulating fine, so based on what I have read, maybe my tubes are blocked or dh has poor semen. I know the Dr. will eventually let me know what it is, if anything, I know it could just be "unexplained infertility".
My questions are now the following: What should I prepare myself for at my first appt discussing this with the Dr? What questions should I ask? Honestly I don't want to waste too much time with diff. meds and tests, any advice on what I type of treatment I should focus on and inquire about based on personal experiences similar to mine? I know IVF is usually the "last resort", but would it be terrible to request that from the beginning? I don't think my insurance covers fertility treatments and I'd rather avoid spending money on other methods when they possibly wont work. - I'd rather pay for IVF now rather than wait a year of trying other costly options, that may possibly may not work.
Its hard for me to talk about this with any of my friends as it seems that they just blink and a baby pops out. I keep telling people we are waiting a "little longer" before we start trying.....
I would appreciate and advice, stories, help - anything!