First baby. Terrified to give birth. Share your delivery stories!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2014
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Slowly creeping into this category. I'm 26 weeks, 4 days. I'm so terrified!
I have a 13 month old and 11 weeks pregnant!

With my daughter I was getting period like cramps late at night when I was 39+3 woke up the next morning crampy still. I honestly didn't think anything of it as I kept having false labour. For some reason I had a strange burst of energy that morning but had alept awful the night before. I got up and scrubbed the house cleaned every where, I was having regular contractions but spaced apart and didn't hurt too bad. I still didn't think anything of it!

My friends came round that night at 6pm and I went from being calm to in pain. They left at 11pm and I called my partner to come home he was working five hours away. He didn't get home until 5am the next day and I was in so much pain. Went in to l and d got checked I was 3cms went back home. In and out of bath. Up and down. Terrible back labour. Got to the point where I couldn't cope so went back to hospital I was 5-6cms.
Got diamorphine which was rubbish didn't do anything apart from make me sleepy! I had a midwife who I prrsonally knew which was great. It got to about 2pm and I kept saying I need to go to the toilet, they asked me if I felt like I needed a number 2 and I said yes. They said I needed to push as I was fully dilated. I pushed for an hour and a half and nothing, they got so forceful with me as my daughter had passed meconium and heart rate was dropping. Eventually they warned me with episiotomy. They realised my bladder was too full to get baby out so gave me a catheter. Pushed my daughter out straightn after that and the first thing I aaid was I can't believe she's not a snake! I couldn't believe it was actually s baby. I didn't have any tears or anything. I then passed the placenta. Learnt how to breastfeed, parents came in for cuddles Eto then I spent hours throwing up! X
Check out the Birth Stories and Announcements section. It's my favorite section even though i've given birth before and half know what to expect. I think i've read every birth story there lol. But seriously after reading close to hundred birth stories i'm sure, i feel like i have a pretty good idea of how a typical birth progresses. I also feel a little more confident about trying for a natural birth because so many women experienced that and lived to write about it.
I keep telling myself it can't be that bad or there would be a lot more 'only child' families out there. Lol. I've decided to live in my bubble for a bit longer before I start to worry about labour.
The last thing you want to do is read other people's negative birth stories! If I were you, I'd only read positive ones. Your mind is very powerful in bringing about what you expect, so if you expect pain, you'll get it.

My unmedicated birth was painless. It took a lot of concentration, and pushing was exhausting, but I didn't experience transition, the "ring of fire," or any pain at all while pushing, and I didn't tear at all. It was lovely and I felt like I could do it again afterwards.

There are a ton of positive birth stories in Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. I focused on those during my pregnancy, did HypnoBirthing, and welcomed being in labour wholeheartedly. :)
Read ALL birth stories. Negative and positive. For myself, I wanted to go in to it knowing everything that could happen, good and bad.

My own birth story w/ my first was pretty uneventful.

Induced at 39w (my choice) due to gestational diabetes. Could've gone to 40w to see if I'd go in to labor on my own but meh.. I was done by that point lol.
Got hooked up to everything and as soon as I felt any sort of discomfort, I asked for the epidural. They had asked me if I was planning on getting it and when I told them yes, they told me I could ask for it as soon as I wanted so I did :D
Epidural wasn't bad at all. Few pricks to numb the area, some pressure and that was it. I could still move my legs for a while, but that did eventually stop. It was strange, but I didn't find it terrible or anything and it worked like a charm.
I labored for 24hrs which was BORING and exhausting at the same time. Exhausting b/c of all the checks and visitors that overstayed their welcome.
I was dilating very slow, got to 9cm at 24hrs (can't remember when they broke my water... probably around 5cm)... but DD had been having some problems handling labor and the high amount of pitocin. I was given the option of c-section, or waiting another few hours to see if I'd finally fully dilate etc etc.
I just decided to get the c-section. I wasn't pressured in to it at all, but at that point, I just wanted my baby girl here and felt it was the best choice for both of us.
Got prepped for it, signed everything I needed to etc. Wheeled in to the OR, got the extra numbing whatever they put in you that worked like a charm but also made me nauseated. I ended up throwing up a little bit. It also gave me the shakes which was strange. Wasn't cold but shivered like crazy like I was.
I felt absolutely nothing when they were doing the procedure. No tugging, nada.
Felt like it took them forever, but my baby girl was born perfect and healthy and it was the best moment of my life so far. She was 7lbs 5oz and looked like a little alien heh.
Took them forever and a day to sew me back up.
Oh and learned that labor stalled b/c DD and I were back to back which is why she wasn't descending as she should have.

Not a fantastic birth story. I know c-sections scare a lot of people, but my own experience with it wasn't bad at all. My recovery from it was rough, but nothing that wasn't managed by some good pain meds.
With dd1 I went into labour at my parents house after supper while watching Lake view Terrace with Samuel L Jackson lol. I watched the whole movie in a rocker chair clutching the arms during contractions lol. Told hubby when we were getting a ride home from my mom I thought I was in labour (this is about 6pm to 830pm) went home got in the tub and started timing. Once I realized they were 3 min apart I called my mom back to go to the hospital. End of January, she has to stop for a slushie on the way lmao. Get to the hospital about 10 checked in escorted to my room by 1030. Wanted an epidural but I was too far dilated for it so I jumped in the shower with hubby. The nurse came in for heartbeat check I said I think I have to poop she said no no you don't back to bed it's time to push! Don't remember how long I pushed or at what point they broke my water by accident but she was born at 124am. The contractions were bad, I felt sick in the middle but never got sick. Despite the pain, the showers and bath helped I think I only had a few hours of pain without the water numbing it a bit.

Dd2 I woke up around 1am at night feeling weird, got up to pee and my water broke. Contractions started right away so we went to the hospital around 2 got checked in and a room by 230. I did get an epidural this time and was able to sleep until about 730. At about 8 I called the nurse because I said I had to pee and needed the dreaded catheter, before she could do much with it she realized I was 10 and ready to go. Dd2 was born at 902am. I didn't feel contractions, I did get the coldness I had heard about with an epi and I did feel the baby come out. I'm greatful I got to sleep for a bit, so did hubby :)
I'm a huge scaredy cat, can't handle any pain, had a 15 hour labor, and it wasn't that bad! I'm not scared at all this time and I'll be giving birth to 2!
It was really just all exciting and focus on the fact that you will meet your baby and it will all be over soon. Also that it's a very natural process.
Im scared too. I have 3 weeks and 6 days left... its best too not take on board horror stories but ve aware of the basics. Ive told myself i could tear. I might be sick. I might panic but i might be braver than i realise.

Nice people remind you that women have been doing this forever. It is true! They had alot less options years ago than now.

to prepare yourself ( i sort of have) think about what pain relief appeals to you. What side effects put you off and what would you like to try. Think of a couple of options. Ive made a birth plan but its flexible. So i have chosen to try water for pain relief. Possibly the birthing pool. If i cant handle the pain i am open to an epidural. I have friends and family who have said there labours have been alot nicer due to them. People told me it can leave you with back problems. But on the nottingham city hospital uk site where im going there is no evidence to back this up.

I have decided id like to avoid gas and air and pethidine. Because for me the side effects dont appeal to me. I dont like feeling sick so i dint want to risk making myself sick.

as for your fears. Your birth partner will be there to help you through. Hopefully your midwife will reassure you and make you feel at ease. It will only be a day out of your life and the worst part may only be a small fraction of your labour. You will get through because you have to. When them contractions start they will only last so long and you will find ways to cope and get through.

other peoples stories of tearing and forceps etc etc are not going to help you. People often do it again.

the lady above who wrote how she puked for hours and had a horrible back labour was being honest but not really giving you anything that will help you personally so its best to forget that story. It wont happen like that for you.

good luck and message me if u want a chat xx
Im scared too. I have 3 weeks and 6 days left... its best too not take on board horror stories but ve aware of the basics. Ive told myself i could tear. I might be sick. I might panic but i might be braver than i realise.

Nice people remind you that women have been doing this forever. It is true! They had alot less options years ago than now.

to prepare yourself ( i sort of have) think about what pain relief appeals to you. What side effects put you off and what would you like to try. Think of a couple of options. Ive made a birth plan but its flexible. So i have chosen to try water for pain relief. Possibly the birthing pool. If i cant handle the pain i am open to an epidural. I have friends and family who have said there labours have been alot nicer due to them. People told me it can leave you with back problems. But on the nottingham city hospital uk site where im going there is no evidence to back this up.

I have decided id like to avoid gas and air and pethidine. Because for me the side effects dont appeal to me. I dont like feeling sick so i dint want to risk making myself sick.

as for your fears. Your birth partner will be there to help you through. Hopefully your midwife will reassure you and make you feel at ease. It will only be a day out of your life and the worst part may only be a small fraction of your labour. You will get through because you have to. When them contractions start they will only last so long and you will find ways to cope and get through.

other peoples stories of tearing and forceps etc etc are not going to help you. People often do it again.

the lady above who wrote how she puked for hours and had a horrible back labour was being honest but not really giving you anything that will help you personally so its best to forget that story. It wont happen like that for you.

good luck and message me if u want a chat xx

reading this made me feel so much better, I'm only 28 days away now and I'm so excited to have and hold my baby girl, but i am terrified of the labour and pain, and I'm just constantly been told "you'll be fine." Which doesnt really comfort me ... but thinking about it the way you have said, it been one day out of my life, and the pain won't last forever and at the end, I'll have my beautiful baby girl ... well, thats the best explanation and comfort I've read out of all these stories, so thank you :) xx
Yeah i guess when it first starts we will probs have mild pains every so often and breaks in between. we can take paracetamol and use heat pads at home. Gotta think of all the lovely things we can do with our little girls. I also think to myself its a big day for her too so i want to be brave. Xx
I had a really positive birth.

My ds was born bang on 40 weeks on his due date. My waters went the day before at 6.00am, got to hospital and said I was only 1cm and to go home and labour there. I laboured all day, started off like period pains which got more intense then lasted longer too. I got to 12.00 midnight and even tho my contractions wernt painful my mum was panicking thinking I'd have the baby on her floor, so went to hospital, I was 3cm, and I needed to be 4cm to be admitted!!! Oh took a de-tour on way home for a pizza( left me while I was labouring)! Got back and my contractions seamed to have ramped up a notch. I was still just using breathing excersizes to keep me calm at this point. Got to 3.00am and I couldn't talk thru my contractions any more and they were one on top of the other, so I said I'm finding these unbearable, let's go to the hospital now! (I had 5 contractions just going from the front door to the car)! Got to hospital and was checked and I was almost 10cm, I couldn't believe it! They filled the birthing pool quickly for me, and I had some gas and air to take the edge off. The water really helped with the pain (highly recommend) the gas was brilliant too. Didn't take the pain away but made me feel like I didn't care that I was in pain if that made sense. My body was pushing on its own by this point (trying to stop a push is like trying to stop dihorehha, it just seams impossible. Pushing was the best part felt like such a relief. 1st push head, nose out, 2nd push got his chin out and 3rd push the rest of his body, all in all I may have been pushing 4 mins or so. I had a 2nd degree tear but didn't deel the rip. (It's kind of like pushing out a big poo when you rip a little bit) then he was out and in my arms and I fell in love instantly❤️❤️❤️
Hope you girls have a fantastic birth experience as I can't wait to do it all again so can't be that bad xxx
Was induced at 41 weeks. Labor progressed as it should have, midwife broke my water (painless) and my contractions became more intense (but not anything unbearable, I was playing cards with DH, lol). Got an epidural and was in labor for a total of 17 hours. Didn't feel a thing AT ALL. I only felt a lot of pressure, like I was pooping out a watermelon when I was pushing but it wasn't actually painful. I tore a little bit, got stitches but I still couldn't feel anything at that point due to the epidural.

Went into labor on my own at 40 weeks 3 days. Had regular contracractions, went into the hospital and they said I was definitely in labor but told me to go home until the contractions became so painful that I couldn't walk or talk through them anymore. So I did that, except I didn't wait until the contractions were unbearable because I live 45 minutes away from the hospital. So I went back in and they admitted me, I think I was dilated to 6 or so. (I have a high pain tolerance, another reason I didn't want to wait until I couldn't handle it anymore). So they put me back into my labor room and let me labor, I had an IV drug for the pain that helped a lot while I was waiting for the epidural. They came in and gave me the epidural, and I was dilated to about 8 or so. Went to 10 really fast after that and started pushing before the epirural had a chance to really kick in (I could still move and feel my legs). I did feel the 'ring of Fire' and yes it hurt but it wasn't as bad as you might imagine. The good thing is that after the baby is out, that pain instantly stops (at least it did for me). So pretty much I was only concentrating on getting him out because I knew it would make the pain stop.

All in all, both of my birthing experiences were great for me. I hope I go into labor naturally this time around too! Good luck
My labor and delivery went way too fast and wasn't bad at all. My water broke as I was standing in my kitchen when I was only 35w1d. I called my OB and he told me to head to the hospital, so I packed a little bag as I left puddles all over my house LOL. When I got to the hospital I was only 1cm, but my OB admitted me anyway. (I was considered high risk). It was so slow going at first....took 11 hours to get to 5cm and that's when I was allowed to have an epidural. The epi was wonderful except I didn't really have time to rest bc I went from 5 to 10cm in an hour. The epidural had relaxed my body so much that I dilated faster, so my OB said. I pushed for 20 minutes and she was out. I thought the epidural would keep me from feeling when I needed to push, but it didn't. I had pressure but no pain. All in all, a wonderful experience.
My experiences were good as well. With DS1 I mostly felt cramping in my inner thighs. It was a weird feeling but not really painful. I had read the hypnobirthing book so I was calm and just focused on breathing. I stayed at home a few hours then we went to the hospital. I walked from the parking lot and through the hospital up to L&D, was admitted right away and was already at 10cm. Pushing seemed to take forever but it wasn't really painful. I didn't get sick though I thought I would several times. I had a second degree tear but didnt feel that happen at all. For DS2 I woke up around 1am with contractions that didn't seem bad at all but due to my previous fast labour we headed in to the hospital. I really felt we were way too early and told OH we should have waited. I was 6cm and got admitted, my water broke about a half hour later then a few minutes later I was in the bathroom and felt the baby coming, barely had time to get onto the bed and luckily the nurse was in the room to catch him as he pretty much flew out. Only a couple stitches that time.

I would really recommend reading up on some of the hypnobirthing breathing techniques as they kept me really calm and relaxed during my first labour. I think that helped me progress faster.
I had a very positive experience. I was induced, but I must have been very favorable for the induction. It wasn't pain free at all but I'd do it again in a heart beat. It was the most amazing day of my life :)

Went to the hospital at night at 40+6. Was having some irregular pains. Tablet went in at midnight, baby was engaged, but I think i was only at 2cm. Don't know how effaced. Pains got a bit more serious overnight, but nothing I needed pain relief for. By morning I was told the contractions were still irregular. Took a shower and changed. Ob came in later and said that if it's possible she'll break my waters. I was at 3cm with bulging waters. Breaking them hurt a little but it wasn't too bad.

Contractions picked up immediately after. I knew the pains I had before were on a whole other scale. I asked for gas and air. It didn't do a whole lot. Sometime later I was offered pethidine. It made me so drowsy that I was falling asleep between contractions...kind of useless in my opinion. Every time I woke up someone would be holding my gas and air for me, dh and my mom.

The next time I was checked I was at 7cm...I asked for epidural then and there. The anasthesiologist was at theatre so it took some time. I'm pretty sure I asked my mom to go check on my epidural :) those were my exact words and I find it funny now. But I know why the pain was so extreme like that...I was in the transition phase. By the time I had epidural i was fully dilated but apparently we needed to wait for baby's head to drop a bit lower. Was given pitocin after an hour or so...but then dd was born shortly after :)

I'll definitely want to use gas and air next time but no pethidine whatsoever. Made me too sleepy to really appreciate the day. And I was so confused when I was given dd. I'd rather go for gas and air then epidural if I get a chance.

I'm really bad with pain. I get pain killers in an iv every other period due to how badly I handle it. But even with the pains the day my daughter was born was the most memorable day of my life!
I had a great experience, and am really impatient and excited for this labour and birth too <3 Just go in to it with an open mind, it's not all terrifying. Everybody's experiences are different, just as everybody's pregnancies are different :thumbup:

Here is my water birth story, it's long so won't copy and paste in to here haha :)

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