I'm the furthest I have ever gotten in any of my six (including this one) pregnancies and getting past the milestones of losses was incredibly difficult for different reasons. I think generally after a loss, or multiple losses, it is hard to ever feel secure in knowing that you will have a baby once your nine months are up. Because I had an ectopic, I am always entitled to a scan at 6 weeks to check baby is in the right place which actually sees me past the dates of pregnancies 1, 4 and 5. This time around I had three scans (6w, 7.5w,10w) which gave me a huge amount of reassurance that this was going in the right direction. The scariest scan was meant to be about 9w5d which was the exact time that we found out about our mmc. Even our midwife was terrified at the scan but everything worked out fine.
Now I am 18w 4d and getting close to my 20 week scan and I can still feel that worry and anxiety. I don't think it will ever go away. Also, by strange coincidence, DH and I have decided to go on holiday a couple of days after our 20 week scan. With our MMC we also went on holiday the day of the scan. I know that it is hugely unlikely that the same will happen to us again (scan, finding out about a loss, going on holiday) but there's still a little niggly feeling in the back of my head.