First Month - TTC Baby #1 :)


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Apr 21, 2015
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Here's a little background on me and hoping/praying someone out there is on the same boat. I feel like my life is surrounded with women getting pregnant left and right without even "trying" as hard as I probably have to. That's just how I feel, not necessarily "truth" :blush:

I recently turned 29 years old. My fiance and I are getting married in a couple months and have been talking about having a baby for over a year. He really wants to have a baby and now that our wedding is coming up quick, I feel like we should officially begin trying. I get that a lot of people are like "oh you're crazy, you should enjoy your wedding day, but if you're pregnant you can't". This doesn't phase me one bit. If I try now and I get pregnant, I am more than willing to sacrifice the "fun" I am going to miss out on my wedding day because of me being blessed with a child. That's just me, though. To each their own right? The reason I feel so strongly about having a baby is one, my age. I want to start having children now because my fiance and I are not getting younger and we do want a large family (God willing). Two, I have been having unprotected sex with him for about 2 years now and I have not once fallen pregnant :nope: It's almost scary to me to think that we cannot have children? We haven't been to the doctor for this reason and we both are pretty healthy and had our pap smear/physicals done within the past few months and everything is regular and normal. No STD's or infections of any kind. So I'm not sure what the issue is. I really feel sad about it and hoping that one day we are blessed with a beautiful baby, which is why right now, "trying" is not an issue for me and I'm not even worried about missing out on drinking and partying the day of my wedding. I know I can still have good, clean sober fun that day!

My periods are slightly regular but for the past year my cycles have been completely irregular. I believe it was the lack of exercise and amount of weight I gained throughout that time. Also, I had a very bad diet. However, I have gotten back into the routine of exercising and eating better and have lost a significant amount of weight in the past couple months and noticed this last cycle (March), I got my period on CD 29! That was a huge relief for me. From April last year, I had my period 4/24, 6/19, 8/14, 9/22, 10/23, 12/22, 2/4/15, 3/12/15, 4/9/15.

So as you can see, last year was pretty irregular for me. I believe the improvements on my lifestyle now have significantly regulated my cycle. I'm PRAYING this continues :thumbup: Today, I'm CD 12. I took a Wondfo OPK at 10am and 230pm today and both have pretty light lines so I am not ovulating yet. I will test again tomorrow in the afternoon. I'm not sure when my LH surge is but I heard that it is best to test in the afternoon? Not sure how accurate that is for everyone.

This month, we are going to try. We already talked about it and if I do not fall pregnant then we are going to abstain from sex until our wedding day to make it more special and for spiritual reasons.

I hope someone out there can relate to me! I have never been part of a forum or message board especially with something so personal and private to me, so I am going out on a whim here hoping that someone, anyone can relate and we can bless each other with our experiences and advice.
Hello there!
Firstly I'm really new to this forum thing and also the whole "ttc" adventure. I really enjoyed reading your background information and hope you're happy with me replying. I too am desperately looking for someone to bounce off of and just share my hopes dreams and sometimes frustrations with (we all know how testing the two week wait can be right?)

So a little about me-
I am recently married to the man I have been with for 9 years. It was a long engagement. We did everything our way saving hard and buying our first time home which we have lived in together with our cats for 6 years. We are both very ready for a baby and have begun nesting and excited about the prospect of a nursery in the spare room.
Although we are both happy we did get too comfortable and gained some after wedding weight, we are both trying hard to get back into shape and eat clean. I ovulate and have regular but long cycles and as far as I know seem to be doing everything right but obviously it is going to take some time and I need to remain patient.
Anyway excuse my rambling.. I really have my fingers crossed for you and hope we can chat some more, you are a similar age to me too but my Hubby is slightly older than I.

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