I won't lie to you, a loss does take the excitement out of future bfps a little. For me at least. I had a mmc with my first pregnancy and it did rob me of that naive joy. I knew of course tat it was very common but you never think it'll be you. Now I know it can be me and it happened a second time since then. BUT after our first loss, we went on to have to perfect, healthy children and it was special, both times. No, the positive tests didn't mean as much and no, I didn't get as carried away in the early days as the first time. But there are still so many exciting firsts left! You won't believe the feeling of joy and love at your first healthy twelve week scan. When you see that tiny little baby move and you're told they're healthy! Or your first gender scan, if you get one, where you suddenly get a much better idea of who your baby will be. The first time you feel baby kick and the first time daddy feels it, too. And the birth of course! Not that it's a walk in the park but oh my goodness, when it's over and you hold that tiny little shrivelled up bundle in your arms! The first time they look at you and the first time you manage to nurse them (if you decide to)!
I know it's all dark clouds just now and yes, ttc will probably be a little different from now on, but you have so, so much joy to look forward to still. Your babies will find their way to you eventually and once you've met them, all the pain of getting them here will be forgotten.