First scan?


Mummy to a rainbow boy
May 19, 2013
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Ohai ladies :)
I was just wondering, at what point did you get your first scan? What was it like? :shrug: I absolutely cannot wait to see my little munchkin for the first time! I just wanted to hear about your experiences
With my son I had mine at 11 + 4. It was great bar the full bladder (I drank twice as much as I should have lol) the midwife checked the hb but we didn't hear it and then I went to get bloods for the NT test. Altogether it lasted around 30 minutes :flower:
8w2d I had my dating scan, empty bladder, measured baby to double check dates, saw that the placenta was starting to form and attach, checked my tubes and ovaries since the tech could, it probably all took about 30 min.
i didnt get my first scan till 14 weeks 4 days because me and my OH waited quite a while to tell our family but my first scan was great and got an excellent picture of my baby girl and i had to get a WHOLE BUNCH of blood work done also i had to get a pelvic exam and discussed a couple things with my doctor as far as the babys health and delivering and such now im almost 36 weeks and so happy that im almost there:) the pic i uploaded is here first ultrasound at 14 weeks 4 days:)


  • baby sonogram 12 21 12 001.jpg
    baby sonogram 12 21 12 001.jpg
    16.8 KB · Views: 1
I got my first scan at 8 weeks on the dot, and that was my dating scan! Was amazing, even though bubs just looks like a little bean, you still see the start of your miracle! When are you getting yours hun?xx
I think it varys a lot by country. In the UK its usually between 11-13 weeks. They measure baby, check for the heartbeat, give you a due date and just let u watch your baby :) its the best!
I had one at 5 weeks 4 days and another at 9 weeks 4 days :flower:
I had my first scan at 8 weeks. Didn't take very long, just checked the baby's heartbeat etc. Was still super exciting to get a glimpse of my little one for the first time though :) xx

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