Thought I'd share Elsie and Puddings stash (even though most of puddings stash is in her hospital bag in the car) as Elsie has been in sposies the past few days as I've been in and out of hospital. Whoop for a full stash pic
Top Shelf -
First row -Elsie's woolies x3, Elsie's longies x2, Elsie's pumpkin pants x2
Second row - Pudding's itti's x3, Pudding's BGs x3
Third row - Pudding's bambooty, fitted mutt, fitted oww, bamboozle and wraps.
Fourth row - wet bag FULL of fleece liners, Pudding's woolies and pre folds.
Bottom shelf is all Elsie's -
First row - TBx2, issy x2, pop in x2, cheapie, BG
Second row - TB, itti x6, bambooty, BBOS
Third row - TB, flip, G nappy, fitted mutt x2, bamboozle x3
Fourth row - gen y x7
, loads of inserts and prefolds.