Flu symptoms 5 days after delivery?


Baking #2
Jun 3, 2012
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Sorry, to be posting another post! Just worrying about everything!

Last night a sudden sicky feeling came over me, which was then accompanied by feeling like I had a fever, getting really hot then cold etc, have a minor headache, basically feel like I'm getting the flu ..

Is this normal ? Does it happen after birthing a baby? Had a natural vaginal delivery and felt pretty much fine since I gave birth, other than the sore vajayjay!


Thanks xxx
I'm going to say Im 99% sure its either an infection inside (or an episiotomy if you had one), or more commonly a breast infection.

I was back in hospital bang on day 6 after my first child, had a vaginal birth with an infection downstairs, then a month later I was again feeling really crap with raging temps, headache, just flu-like in general and I looked at my breast and it had a red patch on it, sure enough it was mastitis. I had been suffereing for a week, not knowing what it was and thinking I had the flu!! I got on antibiotics and it cleared really fast.

This time round I started noticing the symptoms again at a week after the twins, slightly achey limbs and a 37.5 temperature, so I quickly got antibiotics before it got bad like the first time.

37.5 and over is classed as a fever in adults and you should take your temperature to check. If you dont have a thermometer, it might pay to get one now you have a bubba! They come in handy. Good luck!
I was going to say, could it be mastitis? I got mastitis 5 days pp when milk came in. Ask your midwife/health visitor to check you asap, or phone out-of-hours.
Hi, it's totally normal to go hot & cold and have the chills. I felt awful a few days after having my first and was worried that i didn't feel right and thought i had some kind of infection until the midwife told me it's normal after giving birth.

This time after i had my 2nd i again had the hot and cold chills where your body shivers/shakes but it only lasted 2 days. Hope this helps but get checked out if your worried it could be something else hun.x
I'm another one to say mastitis, i too woke up thinking I had flu and went to the drop in centre to be told I had a bad case of mastitis and was given anti-biotics. Took the last one and the very next day I started feeling ill again so had to take another course. That cleared it up.

I would say get to see the Dr asap so you can start the medication but in the meantime, if you are breastfeeding, you must continue to do so and make sure you massage any lumps in your breast to clear any blockages - it hurts but it hurts more if you don't.

Hope you feel better soon xx
I had this happen too, I felt so weak, couldn't eat, fever. It was a uti for me. I felt better within a day of getting antibiotics. Hope you feel better soon. And congrats! X
I felt a little fluy when my milk came in after baby#1, but it passed quickly. With baby #2 I got an infection and that didn't clear up until they removed a pesky bit of placenta with an operation.

My advice, take some paracetamol, get some rest. If it doesn't clear up within 12 hours, or if you start bleeding more heavily call your midwife or maternity unit.
I had this. Since the day I come home from hospital Ive been poorly, day 6,7 and 8 PP were the worse, feverish etc. I went the doctors on day 8, where they gave me antibiotics, only since yesterday I've felt much better. I'd talk to your midwife about it too as I've been under close watch since being out of hospital due to feeling crappy etc. Xx
I had this about 10 days pp. It was mastitis. I hope you feel better soon. It's awful.
I had this about 10 days pp, had a temp of 39 which wouldn't come down and I fainted too.
(I did have to stay in hosp a few days after the birth after a pph though so was anaemic)
Anyway I had to go back to hospital and spent 4 days on drips and fluids for an infection, but they couldn't find where the infection was.

To be on the safe side I'd go and get checked out, it could be an infection of some sort.
NORMAL! It feels bizare though. I remember this so vividly. It's your body's way of clearing the extra fluids. You'll also notice more peeing. It won't last too long. Hormones are also trying to get back to normal, so that's part of it. Enjoy your new LO!
I'm going to say Im 99% sure its either an infection inside (or an episiotomy if you had one), or more commonly a breast infection.

I was back in hospital bang on day 6 after my first child, had a vaginal birth with an infection downstairs, then a month later I was again feeling really crap with raging temps, headache, just flu-like in general and I looked at my breast and it had a red patch on it, sure enough it was mastitis. I had been suffereing for a week, not knowing what it was and thinking I had the flu!! I got on antibiotics and it cleared really fast.

This time round I started noticing the symptoms again at a week after the twins, slightly achey limbs and a 37.5 temperature, so I quickly got antibiotics before it got bad like the first time.

37.5 and over is classed as a fever in adults and you should take your temperature to check. If you dont have a thermometer, it might pay to get one now you have a bubba! They come in handy. Good luck!

I had pretty much the same symptoms as this! I had a kidney infection and an infection downstairs, all kicking off on day 6 with rigors which could have so easily avoided if I'd got antibiotics as soon as I realised I was ill. I thought my flu like symptoms were normal after giving birth, it was my first time do I didn't know any better. Please get checked out, I developed sepsis and was away from my baby for 5 days - a terrible, terrible experience. Feel better soon.
Hey well I ended up going to hospital. I'm staying on the post maternity ward, getting some antibiotics in through a drip! Still not quite sure what it is but with my symptoms and temp they didn't wanna let me go home! I miss my baby girl :( xx
I was diagnosed with mastitis shortly after giving birth... I took antibiotics and it seems it calmed down. However here I am almost a month later and I still feel flu like but with no fever :/
Especially once I get up and start moving around! Anyone have symptoms like you are getting sickbay long after? So depressed and ready to get back to normal so I can take care of my newborn

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