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Flu Vaccine


Mar 13, 2011
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I got a letter from the NHS inviting me to get my daughter vaccinated for flu. I didn't realise it was offered at this age so I'm caught on the back foot a bit.
Has anyone opted for their child to get it? Did they have any side effects from it? I'd just like a bit more information and other people's experiences before I go ahead with it or not.
i have never had it or the flu so opted out but its entirely your decision
Most of my kids get offered it due to their ages or being asthmatic. Its a nasal spray and theyve never had any side effects from it.
I'm prone to the flu myself, although my husband isnt so I'm in two minds as to what to do.
I think you have to consider that you'll have a new baby in the house too over the winter season. Vaccinating yoyrself and daughter will help to protect baby. My friend alnost lost her twin newborn daughter earlier this year from flu, people dont realise how serious it is sometimes.
Its one vaccine thats particularly controversial due to it not protecting against all strains and strains mutating but for me the pros outweighed the cons.
My eldest has had it the last two years, with no ill effects, and will again this year. She gets it done at school (nasal spray) so I thought 'why not?' It has been offered to my little two this year but would have to make them an appointment and get it done at the docs so probably wont bother.
I think you have to consider that you'll have a new baby in the house too over the winter season. Vaccinating yoyrself and daughter will help to protect baby. My friend alnost lost her twin newborn daughter earlier this year from flu, people dont realise how serious it is sometimes.
Its one vaccine thats particularly controversial due to it not protecting against all strains and strains mutating but for me the pros outweighed the cons.

Yeah. The thought of having a little one in the house over the winter and a toddler bringing home all manner of germs was one that is swaying me towards getting it done.
I got mine last week and I've had no side affects with it so I'm hoping she'll be the same if I opt to get it done.
We've been getting the flu vaccine since my son was born... and he was offered to have it last year and this year, too. No ill effects and I think it helped. My daughter and I both get the flu pretty regularly and I felt the vaccine helped.
Ollie gets it due to being asthmatic and has never had any issues either jt I get offered it as I work with vulnerable adults who can broome very unwell.
My dd has had it every year since birth with no ill effects. I think it's different here in the US though, as the nasal spray wasn't available last year and again this year as it hasn't been as effective here as the shot, so they say. The worst part of the whole thing is the actual shot itself.
My DS has had it the last 2 or 3 years and my DD is eligible this year. We're all getting it this year. Flu is miserable at best and can be fatal at worst.
Yes, we always get it. I get it every year anyway as I'm asthmatic, but my daughter has had it the past two years (age 2 and 3) and will get it again this year via the school vaccination programme. It's the nasal spray, so really no big deal. Mine actually loves it. She talks about it for months afterwards as she thought it was so funny they sprayed it up her nose. She's actually excited to get it this year. Never had any side effects. Flu is supposed to be particularly bad this year, so any protection you can get will help you (even though the vaccine is not 100% effective in any given year).
Thanks for your input ladies. It seems no one's LO's have had any side effects to the vaccine so I'll speak to OH tonight and see if he is happy for me to book her an appointment. I didn't have any side effects when I got it so hopefully DD will be the same.
DD1 got it for the first time last year was quick and easy no side affects . Will get it again this year . DD2 will be too young apparently but she would have been given it too ! She always catches things and goes straight to her chest!

I'd defiantly be more wary with a newborn in the house too .
We get it every year. No ill effects from it whatsoever. I would 100% get it with a newborn in the house.
I'm going against the grain here, but I always decline it for my daughter, this is the third year she has been eligible and I've declined.

The spray vaccine is a live virus, which sheds from the nasal passage after its given (they say for up to 28 days, but very few actually still shedding after that long). Which means that live flu virus is being left everywhere little ones who have had it go. A weakened version of course, but having live flu virus spread all over my home, when my toddler is too young for the vaccine, is not something I wish to have.

This spray is also still relatively new. They have no idea of the long term side effects e.g. On fertility, and so I am not comfortable with that. Also it's not totally effective, it only protects against about half of strains of flu, those which are "predicted", and so you can get it for them but they can still get flu anyway.

The spray is considered relatively ineffective, it's been removed in some countries - someone above mentioned it's no longer available in the USA, and I believe Belgium have also pulled it.

For those reasons, I decline
Personally this is one I avoid as I believe it doesn't work and their's no point. I keep my daughter's immune system healthy other ways. This vaccine isn't helpful and not necessary. But that's my opinion. :) Not sure if this is relevant, but the flu vaccine has also recently been linked to miscarriage.
I am very much concious about these vaccines. My child is 4 years old and she has got 3 vaccines already of different flus. Result of the carelessness of this vaccine, you see that on some asian and african countries.

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