my baby father has been in touch to say he wants our child half of the week (that being 3 days and 3 nights) or hes going court to get access. my baby is only 10 weeks old and still breastfeeding. He was abusive to me throughout our relationship up until 8 months pregnant he was still physically violent. i left him then but still let him be at the birth and let him see our baby as often as he wanted, i even started letting him take her for a few hours by himself every now and then but then things started to go downhill he would be disrespectful towards me again, threatening to hit me and once locked me out of his mums house with our LO inside i had to call the police just to get her back! in the end i decided that was enough drama and have stopped all access as i cant keep seeing him and being threatedned, verbally abused and made to feel like crap. i told him im stopping access and to go through the courts his comeback was that he now wants to fight for 3 days a week (him and his girlfriend) i know the courts wouldnt allow him this, i would like him to still see her despite everything but NOT under the terms hes saying... any ideas as to what i can do??