I won't be telling FOB that i'm in labour or that baby has arrived until we are at home and settled in, it is anticipated that my LO will need to be in special care but hopefully only for a day or two if that, FOB will not even know he's been born.
I realize that it sounds very selfish but my daughter has Autism and needs time to get used to the new baby and we need to adjust as a family and i'm not having him anywhere near us while we do that. He isn't part of our family and for very good reasons none of his family will be allowed any contact at all with my LO (the courts wouldn't allow it and neither will i) and i know thats going to piss him off so i won't be notifying him of LO's birth until we are both home and well. He may have rights but so do i and so does my daughter and as we are LO's actual family i think our needs should come first!
I don't think they should be letting your FOB in after what he did tbh, i hope you can work something out soon the situation must be stressfull enough without drama from FOB and thats why i'm not telling mine lol xx