Follicle tracking Ultrasound


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2012
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Right ladies,

Firstly, I have pcos and found out in may.
I'm on cd12.
This is my first cycle using clomid. I took it day 2-6

Went for my follicle tracking scan, the nurse was very happy with what she found.

9mm lining
One follicle was 27mm
One was 13mm
One was 12.5mm

She's not sure if the 27mm is a fluid sac but she said the other 2 will be classes as my lead follicles if that one is a sac.
I have my blood test booked for 31st October to see whether I ovulated.
She said hopefully I just ovulate by myself and there will be no need to trigger and basically I'm off to a fab start. So I'm feeling really positive.

Does it make sense to anyone or anyone have anything similar? Xx
I had a blood test and found that my cycle was annovulatory so I didn't O that particular cycle but I guess that some cycles I O and others I don't because I have got pregnant before but sadly MC.

I am going to change the battery in my thermometer as my temps are far too crazy I don't think they can be reading right. So that being said I could've O already but the thermometer has missed it but I think we have bd plenty so wouldn't have necessarily missed the window.

I have my blood test on Monday 31st to see if I did O so I'm holding out..more rather impatiently let me add.

If you have a history of self ovulation it looks like youre in good shape!!! Im sorry about your miscarriage. Mine haunts me still. Its the wrost thing! If your test is on the 31st you may o this week! Your temps, like you said already, are kind of all over, but the cycle looks like youre trending down, which means ovulation may be around the corner, maybe just a wee bit late. Are you also using opks or just temping?
I had a blood test and found that my cycle was annovulatory so I didn't O that particular cycle but I guess that some cycles I O and others I don't because I have got pregnant before but sadly MC.

I am going to change the battery in my thermometer as my temps are far too crazy I don't think they can be reading right. So that being said I could've O already but the thermometer has missed it but I think we have bd plenty so wouldn't have necessarily missed the window.

I have my blood test on Monday 31st to see if I did O so I'm holding out..more rather impatiently let me add.


Ugh sorry about the MC and not O'ing. :(

Maybe your doctor can provide more answers after your blood test. I am doing a monitored cycle too but did not get a blood test scheduled for after- I just call them when I get AF or a BFP. Let me know how it turns out for you!
Thanks ladies, it guts me as me and by best friend got pregnant around the same time so seeing her little girl growing up is just a constant reminder.

2much- so they don't check to see if you have O or did you have the trigger?

Nolimitxox - I don't know much about charting to be honest... so I don't look as though I've O yet in your opinion? I don't think it looks as though I have so I'm praying any day now.
I don't feel anything like tender bbs or anything at all to be honest.
If the test doesn't show O at my appt on 31st then they will schedule another one for a couple days later.
I don't always ovulate alone Infact I think more often I don't O so I think I'm going to need the trigger.
The Dr said I have O alone in the past to get pg. I think it's a rare thing to be honest and the clomid is going to make the follicles for me but then I'm going to need help actually popping the little egg out ... I feel out for this cycle already. Considering I started off so positive.
I just temp, I can't be doing with opk it's just something else I'll get obsessed with and really don't want to.
Thanks ladies, it guts me as me and by best friend got pregnant around the same time so seeing her little girl growing up is just a constant reminder.

2much- so they don't check to see if you have O or did you have the trigger?

Nolimitxox - I don't know much about charting to be honest... so I don't look as though I've O yet in your opinion? I don't think it looks as though I have so I'm praying any day now.
I don't feel anything like tender bbs or anything at all to be honest.
If the test doesn't show O at my appt on 31st then they will schedule another one for a couple days later.
I don't always ovulate alone Infact I think more often I don't O so I think I'm going to need the trigger.
The Dr said I have O alone in the past to get pg. I think it's a rare thing to be honest and the clomid is going to make the follicles for me but then I'm going to need help actually popping the little egg out ... I feel out for this cycle already. Considering I started off so positive.
I just temp, I can't be doing with opk it's just something else I'll get obsessed with and really don't want to.

Sorry you have to watch your friend :(

Yes, I had the trigger so probably why I don't need bloodwork. I'm new to this process!

I know nothing about charting but plenty here do so I'm hoping you get some help! Good luck.
Thank you
I hope you get your bfp soon it's awful all the waiting and then next cycle it happens all over again. Drives me mad but I'm so glad I have this forum to help answer questions.

This is my first cycle on clomid.
What days do you are yours and what mg
I'm 2-6 and started me on 100mg

Thank you
I hope you get your bfp soon it's awful all the waiting and then next cycle it happens all over again. Drives me mad but I'm so glad I have this forum to help answer questions.

This is my first cycle on clomid.
What days do you are yours and what mg
I'm 2-6 and started me on 100mg


It is hard to wait! I'm in the TWW right now, ugh.

I fall into the "unexplained infertility" bucket. It is my first cycle on it too! I did a CD2 scan to check for cysts. Then Clomid 50mg CD3-7. Went in CD12 for follicle scan (22mm, 19mm, 18mm, 16.5mm) and did a trigger late that evening. Currently on CD19. Just need to wait for AF or a BFP. Going to take my first test on 11/1, but doctor says to call on 11/3 if positive.
Thank you
I hope you get your bfp soon it's awful all the waiting and then next cycle it happens all over again. Drives me mad but I'm so glad I have this forum to help answer questions.

This is my first cycle on clomid.
What days do you are yours and what mg
I'm 2-6 and started me on 100mg


It is hard to wait! I'm in the TWW right now, ugh.

I fall into the "unexplained infertility" bucket. It is my first cycle on it too! I did a CD2 scan to check for cysts. Then Clomid 50mg CD3-7. Went in CD12 for follicle scan (22mm, 19mm, 18mm, 16.5mm) and did a trigger late that evening. Currently on CD19. Just need to wait for AF or a BFP. Going to take my first test on 11/1, but doctor says to call on 11/3 if positive.

Wow sounds some really good sized follicles there hun.
So you will definitely O with a trigger is that right?
Do you temp at all?
I hope you've managed to BD regular to catch that little eggy or eggs :kiss: x
Thank you
I hope you get your bfp soon it's awful all the waiting and then next cycle it happens all over again. Drives me mad but I'm so glad I have this forum to help answer questions.

This is my first cycle on clomid.
What days do you are yours and what mg
I'm 2-6 and started me on 100mg


It is hard to wait! I'm in the TWW right now, ugh.

I fall into the "unexplained infertility" bucket. It is my first cycle on it too! I did a CD2 scan to check for cysts. Then Clomid 50mg CD3-7. Went in CD12 for follicle scan (22mm, 19mm, 18mm, 16.5mm) and did a trigger late that evening. Currently on CD19. Just need to wait for AF or a BFP. Going to take my first test on 11/1, but doctor says to call on 11/3 if positive.

Wow sounds some really good sized follicles there hun.
So you will definitely O with a trigger is that right?
Do you temp at all?
I hope you've managed to BD regular to catch that little eggy or eggs :kiss: x

Yes, you definitely O with the trigger. I don't temp. We tried- but with his travel schedule we hit it at the end of the window so it's possible we could have missed it this month. :dohh:

How are you doing?
Thank you
I hope you get your bfp soon it's awful all the waiting and then next cycle it happens all over again. Drives me mad but I'm so glad I have this forum to help answer questions.

This is my first cycle on clomid.
What days do you are yours and what mg
I'm 2-6 and started me on 100mg


It is hard to wait! I'm in the TWW right now, ugh.

I fall into the "unexplained infertility" bucket. It is my first cycle on it too! I did a CD2 scan to check for cysts. Then Clomid 50mg CD3-7. Went in CD12 for follicle scan (22mm, 19mm, 18mm, 16.5mm) and did a trigger late that evening. Currently on CD19. Just need to wait for AF or a BFP. Going to take my first test on 11/1, but doctor says to call on 11/3 if positive.

Wow sounds some really good sized follicles there hun.
So you will definitely O with a trigger is that right?
Do you temp at all?
I hope you've managed to BD regular to catch that little eggy or eggs :kiss: x

Yes, you definitely O with the trigger. I don't temp. We tried- but with his travel schedule we hit it at the end of the window so it's possible we could have missed it this month. :dohh:

How are you doing?

I'm ok thank you
I don't think I'll temp next cycle I think I'm going to just bd like crazy and see how it goes that way it's one less thing to stress over isn't it.

I didn't realise that clomid makes you O, I thought it just made you produce follicles but a lady I spoke to on here said it makes you O. I then googled it and yes it does make you O so that leaves me confused why would anyone need the trigger? Xx
Hello everyone,

I am new to this and all forums so excuse me if I dont use all the acronyms correctly! My husband and I have been TTC for15 months and I am about to turn 40. I am Irish but I live in China and I am constantly questioning what the doctors do here, so I hope these forums can help me with that.

At the minute my doctor has been monitoring my egg and follicles since day 11 with ultrasounds. Follicle sizes were all good and today she was able to tell me the egg ruptured from the follicle. She told me husband and I to DTD tomorrow night and gave me Utrogestan 100mg to take twice a day to help with implantation.

I didn't know what Utrogestan was so I googled it and a lot of things I am reading say that for implantation it is best taken vaginally...but my doctor did not say that, she just said to take it so I assumed that was orally. Does anybody know if it matters or if taking it orally will work?
Hello everyone,

I am new to this and all forums so excuse me if I dont use all the acronyms correctly! My husband and I have been TTC for15 months and I am about to turn 40. I am Irish but I live in China and I am constantly questioning what the doctors do here, so I hope these forums can help me with that.

At the minute my doctor has been monitoring my egg and follicles since day 11 with ultrasounds. Follicle sizes were all good and today she was able to tell me the egg ruptured from the follicle. She told me husband and I to DTD tomorrow night and gave me Utrogestan 100mg to take twice a day to help with implantation.

I didn't know what Utrogestan was so I googled it and a lot of things I am reading say that for implantation it is best taken vaginally...but my doctor did not say that, she just said to take it so I assumed that was orally. Does anybody know if it matters or if taking it orally will work?

Unfortunately I do not have any experience with that medication, so I cannot advise. It does sound like your doctor knows whats up though! Keep us posted through your TWW! Maybe call your Doc and ask about your medication?
Hello everyone,

I am new to this and all forums so excuse me if I dont use all the acronyms correctly! My husband and I have been TTC for15 months and I am about to turn 40. I am Irish but I live in China and I am constantly questioning what the doctors do here, so I hope these forums can help me with that.

At the minute my doctor has been monitoring my egg and follicles since day 11 with ultrasounds. Follicle sizes were all good and today she was able to tell me the egg ruptured from the follicle. She told me husband and I to DTD tomorrow night and gave me Utrogestan 100mg to take twice a day to help with implantation.

I didn't know what Utrogestan was so I googled it and a lot of things I am reading say that for implantation it is best taken vaginally...but my doctor did not say that, she just said to take it so I assumed that was orally. Does anybody know if it matters or if taking it orally will work?

Hey and welcome.
I've never heard of this medicine to be honest so I think your best bet is to call your gp and ask the question just to be sure.

Just for the record.... I had my bloods taken on Monday and found out I definitely Od wohoo! :happydance: this is a massive step in the right direction as I don't usually O alone.

My chart is now starting to look triphasic which is looking good but I know I can't bank on pregnancy through temping.

I'm holding out until AF is late before testing again... tested 8dpo and it was bfn which is obvious it was going to be as it was too early.
Hello everyone,

I am new to this and all forums so excuse me if I dont use all the acronyms correctly! My husband and I have been TTC for15 months and I am about to turn 40. I am Irish but I live in China and I am constantly questioning what the doctors do here, so I hope these forums can help me with that.

At the minute my doctor has been monitoring my egg and follicles since day 11 with ultrasounds. Follicle sizes were all good and today she was able to tell me the egg ruptured from the follicle. She told me husband and I to DTD tomorrow night and gave me Utrogestan 100mg to take twice a day to help with implantation.

I didn't know what Utrogestan was so I googled it and a lot of things I am reading say that for implantation it is best taken vaginally...but my doctor did not say that, she just said to take it so I assumed that was orally. Does anybody know if it matters or if taking it orally will work?

Hey and welcome.
I've never heard of this medicine to be honest so I think your best bet is to call your gp and ask the question just to be sure.

Just for the record.... I had my bloods taken on Monday and found out I definitely Od wohoo! :happydance: this is a massive step in the right direction as I don't usually O alone.

My chart is now starting to look triphasic which is looking good but I know I can't bank on pregnancy through temping.

I'm holding out until AF is late before testing again... tested 8dpo and it was bfn which is obvious it was going to be as it was too early.

WOOHOO! Its such a blessing when our bodies do what theyre supposed to!
WOOHOO! Its such a blessing when our bodies do what theyre supposed to!

Isn't it just... a very rare occurance let me add... the only think my body usually does is play tricks on my.
I'm just hoping and praying that after all these years ttc we finally get our :bfp:

We were ttc for around 5years and just didn't fall pregnant and for some reason we didn't seek help as we just kept thinking it'll happen until it just weren't happening so we took the step and seeked help.
Isn't it just... a very rare occurance let me add... the only think my body usually does is play tricks on my.
I'm just hoping and praying that after all these years ttc we finally get our :bfp:

We were ttc for around 5years and just didn't fall pregnant and for some reason we didn't seek help as we just kept thinking it'll happen until it just weren't happening so we took the step and seeked help.

Hahaha dont worry. I did the same thing. We ttc for 3 years before seeking help and even when we did we got brushed aside because I was only 23 and couldnt possibly be suffering from infertility. Fast forward 4 years and I sure do wish I hadnt accepted that answer.
Isn't it just... a very rare occurance let me add... the only think my body usually does is play tricks on my.
I'm just hoping and praying that after all these years ttc we finally get our :bfp:

We were ttc for around 5years and just didn't fall pregnant and for some reason we didn't seek help as we just kept thinking it'll happen until it just weren't happening so we took the step and seeked help.

Hahaha dont worry. I did the same thing. We ttc for 3 years before seeking help and even when we did we got brushed aside because I was only 23 and couldnt possibly be suffering from infertility. Fast forward 4 years and I sure do wish I hadnt accepted that answer.

It's so annoying isn't it... the doctors don't always know best and because it doesn't affect their day to day life there's no sense of urgency at times!
At least now you have answers.... better late than never so they say eh x
Isn't it just... a very rare occurance let me add... the only think my body usually does is play tricks on my.
I'm just hoping and praying that after all these years ttc we finally get our :bfp:

We were ttc for around 5years and just didn't fall pregnant and for some reason we didn't seek help as we just kept thinking it'll happen until it just weren't happening so we took the step and seeked help.

Hahaha dont worry. I did the same thing. We ttc for 3 years before seeking help and even when we did we got brushed aside because I was only 23 and couldnt possibly be suffering from infertility. Fast forward 4 years and I sure do wish I hadnt accepted that answer.

It's so annoying isn't it... the doctors don't always know best and because it doesn't affect their day to day life there's no sense of urgency at times!
At least now you have answers.... better late than never so they say eh x

Oh gosh. I wish I felt that way! I feel like I probably could have cycled at 23/24 and had MUCH better success than now. I'm a DOR lady with high FSH, low LH, cycles between 21-24 days long and my doctor has told me while they don't know how long until I hit pre/perimenopause but "it can't be that far away". Doctor thinks less than 5 or 6 years until I hit full menopause because my husbands S/A has been up and down over the years, but after 7 years it should have been enough to get the job done. My current doctor thinks when I started seeking treatment 5 years ago I was diagnosed as unexplained (which is true) and that I probably started exhibiting symptoms right around then. In 5 years my cycles have gone from regular 32-34 days to what they are now. I guess its great to no longer be unexplained, but a lack of treatment then is making my current treatment that much more challenging.

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