Hello ladies hope you can help-my lo was born at 6lb 6oz (dropped to 5lb 14 in first week) and has been on aptamil stage one since birth. Her weight gain has been alittle slow but very consistent putting on 3-5oz per week (which the hv says is slow for a formula fed baby) and is now around 10lb at 4 mo. She isn't a sicky baby, is alert, happy and healthy and takes around 6oz of formula every 3-4 hours. She's not a big baby, quite long and lean and neither me or OH are particularly big either. The HV has made us a hospital apt as she thinks she should be bigger and has said they might give us a special formula (Nutrical??) to basically make her gain weight quicker - has anyone got an experience of this? Surely its better that she continues to gain weight at her own pace if there's no other problems rather than be "forced to" (if you understand what I mean?!)