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Frustrated please give me hope!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2013
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I am 39 wks today and am so scared this boys never going to come out. I've gained 67 lbs and they say I am measuring 41 weeks and he is about 8 lbs. (first baby 27 yrs old) I am more than over being pregnant fat and uncomfortable. I've tried nipple stimulation-sex-yoga ball-walking-hot baths. Just not castor oil becUse I'm scared something bad could happen and I don't want to chance it after yrs of trying. But I did buy some and I've been thinking about it..
I just feel hopeless. I haven't been checked since 36 wks at which I was not dialated or effaced at all. Have had no regular cramping :( I feel so scared I'm going to have to be induced and that's the last thing I want! Please any advice or a pick up would be nice im pulling my hair out! +literally :(
I was booked for induction at 40+14 because I'd still not gone into labour on my own but on the evening of 40+13 I went into labour :)

Don't give up hope you've still plenty time.
I'm trying im just so depressed n over it. Never thought I would be considering how long we've tried but I am now. :(
In the same boat.. I'm holding onto the hope where people said 'it can come on suddenly' apparently it was very sudden for my mom.. So I'm hoping he gives me a shock!

Fingers crossed for you! It's so frustrating! I'm having to try and accept there is a chance of induction now it's not that far away for me now.. But fingers crossed we both have some goodluck and progress before an induction happens!!!
Thanks :) and at least u know if he doesn't come U have a day. I'm just pushed out the door at the drs when I mention making a date to do so. Ugh** I just need to occupy myself a little better I guess. But nice already scrubbed my whole house and cleaned everything possible.
Id try the castor oil in a small dose... But thats just me.... My first was early, my second was late.... Third was early, so this one is definitley either way... But if I hit 40 weeks, i might go for the oil... You could also try a VERY hot shower, as hot as you can stand, BUT let the water hit just your back.... I tried that with my second who was late, and my water broke 4 hours later... Could have been a coincidence, but I did that on the advice of a friend....
I take 2 showers HOT as it will get and a hot bath a day (yes overdo it I know) Mabye I will try the oil. Can't hurt right? Either I'm going to poop all night or go into labor? Lol thanks**
Go enjoy your last days of being pregnant. I put money on it you'll miss it all when its over. No.amoujt of 'trying' will get that baby to come if they dont want too. Its baby who sends messages to mums brain 'its time to be born'
they sat not use castor oil anymore as its dangerous or something. My gran told me go bumpy road lol she did this day before my dad was born. My first was sppntaneous no cramps etc at mw thurs told id have go larger hosp for induction if go 40+12 2.5hours away which freaked me out lol, she also said when woman get date for it they tend go labour before i had my son tht sat 39+5. Walking an keeping active is suposed be good we had sex 9pm fri an woke back ache 2.50am sat morn. Also told spicy foods good lol i tried masala(cant take hotter) ended up comin back on me lol. Take care hun still a week to your due date(probs didnt want hear tht lol).were i am only give induction dates after due date. No 2 i was due sweep on my due but i went labour day before so ive never had a sweep now on no3 an feeling everything, cramps etc an only 33+1.
Thanks trying to stay positive and patient. It's so much easier said than done though :(
I'd use more natural methods than castor oil first! It's only meant to upset your bowels which may or may not help it along. And who wants to have upset bowels.. Especially through labour too.

So is try the spicy food alternative first. Pineapple is meant to be something too. And drinking too much orange juice can actually make you go to the loo more often. So I'd try that first, and at least like.. It's better for you if anything else and tastes much better!

Start lots of sex now!! And bounce on the ball.

I was reluctant to go too crazy with the bouncy ball at 39 weeks. But I wish I had totally gone for it and maybe it would have done something by now!!

And walking.

I've had a couple of spicier meals (I'm a wimp!) and I've tried to drink as much fruit juice as possible. I've had sex a bit more often and I've bounced on the ball whenever I can. Still no luck.

The average for women to go over their due date is 5-7 days.. So I'd say if you hit week 41.. Maybe consider a very small dose of castor oil. Start small anyway!!

I'm week 41 now! And I think I have accepted the fact that I may be going in to be induced on wednesday!

Hopeful something will happen in between.. But I've stopped stressing now I've accepted it, and I'm just making sure all the housework is kept topped up until then!

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