F the full moon it's a lie!!! I'm still here, but did start having some intense cramping and what I think were contractions last night, but nothing other than BH's today. Technically it is the total 3 day lunar cycle of the full moon (day before, day of, and day after) so today is still within the realm of possibility.
I did have my first real tightening that maybe could be a contraction (felt like a girdle around my middle tightening) but it was only one on my way to bed last night and then it went away. Definitely have more BH today and they are definitely stronger.
Here's hoping the 3rd day of the lunar cycle gets us all going!!
I dtd, cleaned, walked, ate some lemon cupcakes, and was tempted to run naked under the full moon but nothing. Sorry for you ladies! Hopefully we don't have to wait much longer!!
to make matters even worse a friend of mine who is a week behind me is getting induced tomorrow night at midnight i mean its sad she will have to be induced (due to blood pressure and baby isnt growing anymore) but i am insanely jealous she gets her LO before i do ugh.
Still here too now officially 40+6 !!! 6 days overdue!! Another drs appointment today and if no baby by Sunday evening they will induce me that night...... Gosh I hope she comes on her own before then!!
A full moon story
When I was born (in dec us mo middle of NOWHERE) The hospital my mom had to go to was so small that the maternity ward was closed you would have to call and wait for someone to come in. Well the night I was born there was a huge snow storm (mom says there was like 3 inches of ice on the windows) and a full moon that night 10 other babies were born they were all boys and I was 3 weeks early!
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