Gagging and vomiting on puree


☼ Mummy to Amelie ☼
May 8, 2008
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So I've unsuccessfully been trying to wean my 8 month old since the start of July. We were originally going to follow blw as it worked so well with my older 2 kids but after gumming a bread stick she had a reaction. I thought it was to wheat or gluten so tried a maize based rice xereal which she also reacted to (bad nappies and vomit).
On dieticians advice we stopped all grains and focused on fruit n veg. Tried broccoli and steamed carrot which she didn't swallow just gagged and was sick so we next tried purees. Every single puree we have tried she shudders gags and sometimes brings the entire contents of her stomach up. I've tried watering it down with milk and giving teeny amounts byt same thing happens.

Has anyone any experience or advice with this as I'm finding it extremely stressful.
I would just say it's possible that she still has a very strong gag reflex and it might be work just persisting with BLW if that's what you want to do, but sticking with certain foods to start (anything you can find that didn't cause a potentially allergic reaction). Bad nappies can happen anytime you start weaning as baby's tummy adjusts to food, as can gagging and vomiting (as a result of gagging, different from the kind of projectile vomiting that can happen later from an allergic reaction). I would say that part seems somewhat normal, though sounds like you've had a particularly rough case of 'normal'. I would just watch out for signs of an allergic reaction (severe projectile vomiting, breaking out into a rash, swollen face/puffy eyes, trouble breathing). If you aren't seeing those things, and it's happening with anything you offer (the gagging/vomiting/poos), then I wouldn't necessarily assume it's caused by an allergy. It could be she does just have a strong gag reflex and isn't quite ready for solids. I'd still keep offering (assuming your GP doesn't truly think it's an allergy, which I would think it isn't if it happens in response to everything) but don't try to push it. She may just need time to adjust and get used to it.
Hi thanks for your reply. The allergy thing is an ongoing issue as shes cows milk protein allergic and also allergic to soya. The grain thing was definitely delayed reactions as her eczema flared up and she was unsettled etc the following days. When I say bad nappies I mean full of mucus, green, awful smelling etc.
I'm more concerned about her seemingly not really being able to swallow thicker fluids. I've weaned 2 other babys no bother and I know they do gag occasionally but meadow does it with every single teeny thing.
Sorry no advice but we had similar with DS2 now 8 months, I tried him on finger foods at 6 months and he gagged and threw up every time (although we weren't BLW) even slightly mashed food made him throw up, in the end I gave up trying until his gag reflex was better and stuck with very runny purees/soft consistent food, only really since starting nursery sessions in the last week or so has he been given lumpier things and he seems much better, he ate half a rice cake tonight without gagging at all.

He is also CMPI and in the last 2 weeks has gone onto prescribed milk (I stopped BF a few weeks ago) and I have found that has really helped weirdly, so for us I think it was a case of a strong gag reflex and the dairy perhaps? (Despite it not always being dairy setting him off so no idea if it is really linked!)

Hope she manages it soon, I know it's very stressful and must be very difficult if she's struggling with purees too.
Again no advice I'm afraid but just wanted to say your not alone. My nearly 8 month actually started fine but for the last two weeks has been bad. Tonight he had the smallest amount of mashed potato and was sick everywhere. It's so disheartening and I have no idea what to try next. I'm waiting for his month check so will be asking about it then

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