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Mummy of 3 and 1 angel
Oct 22, 2012
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Hiya, I found out in December that I have gallstones (after months and months of pain!) and the dr's want to remove them when I have had the baby.

Has anyone else got gallstones and had any problems with gallstones in pregnancy? xx
Ive had gallstones but not while pregnant. They removed my gall bladder. I feel for u...gall bladder attacks are extremely painful
*raises hand* I developed them at 10 weeks this pregnancy. I've been having major attacks that send me to the ER roughly once a fortnight. The pain is worse then labour and morphine is the only thing that relieves my pain :( it gets a bit tender some days but nothing really. Mines that bad I'm ment to be getting it out now. I'm on the waiting list, if its not done by 26 weeks ill have to suffer until 6 weeks pp and ill be very upset if I have to wait that long. The pain is like nothing I've ever experienced before.
I'm on a low fat diet but even that doesn't really help. I know I can't have any full fat dairy, no cheese, no red meat, no caffeine and no fizzy drink. They are all the things that set me off the worst.
So as you'd imagine I'm on a very boring diet but that's best to keep the gallbladder from becoming irritated and triggering an attack. It's also hormone related ( to the rise in eastrogen and there's nothing you can do about that )
I started suffering when DD was about 5 months old and had an ultrasound the end of October after having an attack every week and in November the drs called me in and said they want to remove my gallbladder ASAP but I told them I had just found out I was pregnant so I have got to wait if I can until the baby is born. Its a horrible pain I actually turned round during one attack and said I would prefer labour because at least you get a baby at the end! Before I was pregnant I handled the pain with loads of medication but now the dr has told me I cant take any but the midwife said I can take one of them so Im so confused. I have consultant on the 29th so Im going to ask him I think. But thankyou for your replies xx
I had my first attack in Nov and I agree with the pain. Labor was easier! I am not having my gallbladder removed though.
You can take pain meds for it but you just need to have lower dosage and certain ones. I've had endone, panaden forte and morphine for mine. Endone I take as soon as the attack starts in hopes of not having to go to hospital for IV morphine but it doesn't work. I'm not sure what these meds are called in England though. I've only had 4 endone all up, 2 panaden fortes and I've had 2.5-5mil of morphine 9 times and all under strict medical advice and only when I have an attack. I take just normal paracetamol for the achy pains I sometimes get with it, which isn't often as its not sore that much between attacks.
Hopefully you won't have many more attacks I really feel for you :hugs: I'm looking forward to the day mine is gone! My mum had hers out when she was 18, he said the relief is amazing :)
I'm going to go drs this week and asked because I'm so scared I will have an attack an not have anything to take for it. My MIL had them and had her gallbladder out about 3 years ago and she says it's nice not to have the worry about what you can and can't eat/drink xx
I have gallstones too, luckily they haven't given me too much trouble since I got my BFP!
I am finding it so so hard to watch what I eat, I'm craving savoury fatty foods like crazy.
Can I ask how you ladies managed to get your gp to test your gall bladder.. I started having "attacks" FIVE years ago after the birth of my first son, I was convinced it was gall bladder related but my gp disagrees, he says it would hurt when he pushes down on it ?! etc etc...

I can go months without any problems and then weeks when every other day I am on the bathroom floor crying in agony (worse than labour pains) but again he was confused when I said that alot of my pain is in my shoulder blades as well as in the front... anyway i have been point blank refused time and time again for any tests and keep getting the "acid reflux can be painful have you tried gaviscon" - yes I have and nothing works :( I finally go them to prescribe some omeprozole for "excess stomach acid" when I was around 16 weeks pregnant because I was in so much pain :(

Sorry to hijack slightly but thought someone who had posted might have some advice ? maybe I am being a wimp over stomach acid ?! lol x
Can I ask how you ladies managed to get your gp to test your gall bladder.. I started having "attacks" FIVE years ago after the birth of my first son, I was convinced it was gall bladder related but my gp disagrees, he says it would hurt when he pushes down on it ?! etc etc...

I can go months without any problems and then weeks when every other day I am on the bathroom floor crying in agony (worse than labour pains) but again he was confused when I said that alot of my pain is in my shoulder blades as well as in the front... anyway i have been point blank refused time and time again for any tests and keep getting the "acid reflux can be painful have you tried gaviscon" - yes I have and nothing works :( I finally go them to prescribe some omeprozole for "excess stomach acid" when I was around 16 weeks pregnant because I was in so much pain :(

Sorry to hijack slightly but thought someone who had posted might have some advice ? maybe I am being a wimp over stomach acid ?! lol x

Just keep going back! I have most the pains in my front also in my back then it sort of travels up in between my shoulder blades. but I had blood tests done because they though I had a liver infection but I still kept getting pains so I just kept going back and in the end they sent me for an ultrasound and they found gallstones xx
Can I ask how you ladies managed to get your gp to test your gall bladder.. I started having "attacks" FIVE years ago after the birth of my first son, I was convinced it was gall bladder related but my gp disagrees, he says it would hurt when he pushes down on it ?! etc etc...

I can go months without any problems and then weeks when every other day I am on the bathroom floor crying in agony (worse than labour pains) but again he was confused when I said that alot of my pain is in my shoulder blades as well as in the front... anyway i have been point blank refused time and time again for any tests and keep getting the "acid reflux can be painful have you tried gaviscon" - yes I have and nothing works :( I finally go them to prescribe some omeprozole for "excess stomach acid" when I was around 16 weeks pregnant because I was in so much pain :(

Sorry to hijack slightly but thought someone who had posted might have some advice ? maybe I am being a wimp over stomach acid ?! lol x
Mine generally only hurt during an attack and fine the rest of the time. During an attack I couldn't even brush against it, it was that painful but the next day hardly sore at all.
I got mine diagnosed through the ER, they sent me off for an ultrasound. If you can see a new Dr and tell him straight up I think I've been having gall attacks can I please have an ultrasound. Or go to the ER when you have an attack it deff sounds like gallstones to me I got the back pain as well which adds double pain in my opinion. Nothing worked for the pain for me apart from morphine. You poor thing don't keep going through it get 2nd opinions. :hugs:
I just got mine out yesterday. Op went smoothly bub is doing great. I'm very sore as to be expected but so very glad it's gone :)
I had gallstones before I was pregnant but pregnancy stopped me having the attacks, as soon as baby came I was having an attack literally every night! They told me it was acid reflux but I knew it wasn't! I was on the floor crying in pain .. I nearly called for an ambulance but it stopped just as I was about too! Keep going back.. Theyll do a simple ultrasound and they'll be able to see!! :) The gallbladder came out.. I was scared but it was the best thing I ever did! I can't imagine being pregnant and not being able to take decent pain relief during an attack! xx

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