Hey game of thrones thread! :wave:
I'm basically going to live here.
Sorry Noelle, I can't stand Theon! I would love to come be on your side as a Theon lover but I just can't do it.

I have some pity for him because he only is the way he is because of his situation. How can you send your son away To spend his entire life as a hostage And then berate him When he shows kindness towards his captors?
Unfortunately I don't like any of the men in the show, the best one was Drogo.

Jon snow is next best. I totally want him to break his vows and sex up Ygritte! Lol. She wants him so bad. I love that scene where they are sleeping next to each other and she won't stop moving, lol!!
Tyrian is doable but his personality is just so sexy. My DH walked in on me talking to myself about how sexy Drogo is once, he watched the series before me and I was getting caught up, and he glared at me during every Drogo scene from then on haha.
I have a definite girl crush on danereys, that Dragon is definitely going to destroy that city. She is super pissed about the slave situation, and especially about the treatment of the newborn slave babies after what happened to her family.
I can't wait for Joffrey to get what's coming, and I can't see him as 'hot' because he looks like a child to me, how old is he?
My Fav characters are Tyrian, Dany, Arya, kinda Jamie.
Least favorite are Joffrey, Robb (not sure why).