GD and induction



Hey ladies, I have a few questions.

Have any of you with GD had to be induced early due to baby being big? Did you do pretty well at controlling your GD?

And also, if yes, we're you able to have a vaginal birth or did it end up as a c section?

I had GD with my first and ended up on insulin shots for about the last 6 weeks, as even with a careful diet I wasn't able to keep my numbers in check.

I went for scans weekly and they told me that he was between 8-8 1/2 lbs and they induced me at 39w+3d because they didn't want me to go past my due date.

I delivered him vaginally and he ended up being 6lbs 4oz, but perfectly healthy.

I am hoping to avoid GD this time around. I'm 40lbs lighter than I was when I got pregnant with my son, but if I have it again, and there are no health complications, I would try to avoid induction this time if I can. I labored for an extremely long time and pushed for 3 hours. He was healthy, but wasn't ready to come out which made it harder for me.
Oh they were so wrong with his weight! 6-4 is a good weight but he obviously did want to stay in and get a bit chubbier hey?

I'm hoping I don't have to do insulin... And would really like to avoid a c section as well.

Thanks for your info.
I have GD as well and have kinda been wondering the same thing!! Mine is/was pretty well controlled with diet, so much so that I was losing weight so they started me on Metformin yesterday :( but I had a growth ultrasound Monday and doc said that my baby boy couldn't be more average size if he tried so *knock on wood* it hasn't effected his size yet. They told me that it's the 2 hour numbers that effect baby's size so as long as mine stay in check, I shouldn't have a problem with him getting too big and haven't mentioned anything about induction or c-section and I'm hoping it stays that way :)
My sister was diagnosed with GD at 10 wks and was on insulin by 25... her water broke at 38wks but needed to be induced to start labor and baby was born a healthy 6lb8oz. I also am diagnosed with GD (since 28 wks) but have been able to control it with diet but I'm slowly starting to see my numbers go higher... not too high yet though and Dr is happy. I'm hoping I won't need to be on insulin but I'm also hoping to go into labor between 38-39 weeks whether it's on my own or induction! I was a big baby with a huge head so I'm worried for my lady bits! And unless I end up on insulin I won't get any additional monitering as my belly is on track... still scared tho!
I just got diagnosed with GD and am 28 weeks .. sometimes my numbers are a tad high like .6 or so .. has anyone got any advice on diet or a sample i can follow i dont think i am doing it right maybe.. or not eating enough i have lost 4 lbs in a week .

my belly is measuring 1cm ahead
I had GD with my last pregnancy (diagnosed early, around 13 wks or so, and was put on insulin at around 20 wks) and was told at the outset that I would be induced a week early (I also had High Blood Pressure and was 35+ so considered a "risk" pregnancy). When I went in to be induced, they told me that they were predicting her to be at least 9 lbs (ultrasound 1 week prior had her at 8 lbs, 7 oz).

My induction completely failed. They tried all the drugs and she wasn't budging. I ultimately ended up having her by C-Section on the third day of them trying to induce. She was not big at all, 7lbs, 14 oz. She was just not ready to come out! :flower:
I've had GD in all 3 pregnancies. All 3 times I had to take meds to control it. My oldest DD was delivered at 35 weeks not becasue of the GD, but because of low fluid..she was almost 7lbs when she would of been a big baby if she went full term. She was a vaginal delivery.

My youngest was delivered at 37 weeks due to low fluid as well. She was a vaginal birth too and close to 7lbs as well.

This time around, they will deliver me no further than 39 weeks IF I don't have any issues with my fluid.
I have MODY 2: glucokinase, which while not pregnant causes very little issues, but when pregnant requires insulin right away. While I do occassionally have issues controlling my numbers, for the most part I do ok. This is my 4th pregnancy dealing with this.

DD #1 born on her DD at 7 lbs 6 oz. I was scheduled for an induction that day, but went into labor on my own. She was a vaginal birth. Afte her delievery is when we found out I had more then GD, as GD moms blood sugars go back to normal immediately after delievery. Mine did not and never did.

DD #2 born at 38 weeks 4 days, I went into labor on my own and she ws 8 lbs 12.5 oz. She was also a vaginal delievery.

DD #3 born at 39 weeks and was an induction, she was 8 lbs 2 oz and was a vaginal delievery.

This pregnancy I had a growth scan done at 33 weeks 2 days and she was measuring 5lbs 14 oz so I'm sure they will be pushing for an induction no later then 39 weeks due to size and my sugars. I'm doing 2x weekly NST's (as I have in all my other pregnancies) so they also keep an eye on LO that way.

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