Georgina, and the completion of our cluster....


WTT for a possible no4???
Jun 27, 2008
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...... Maybe. LOL

OK so as you all know phoned in early thursday morning, was expecting them to say about two pm or something but they say wellas early as possible. I was gobsmacked and not even dressed! Faron took kids off to school and I got ready, we left by nine am arrived in hospital about ten.

Checked in bubs monitered all fine, good movement. Pessary inserted! (at 12.20.) FLIPPIN HURT as I knew it would but not from SPD they were actually realy considerate of that but cos cervix very high and very posterior! BUT 2cm dilated!
So sat around waiting for something to happen but knew first one wouldn't, OH stayed with me all day Mum went home to help look after son and Olivia.

Nothing all day had second monitering and internal no change and still only 2 cm. DF sat with me until visiting ended at eight pm. I was getting niggles that turned into every two minutes lasting about frty seconds by the time he left but mw said she cldn't feel them as very strong so more than likely they wldn't turn into anything, but we cld always call df an mum back when going to labour ward! So off he toddled and I fully expected them to dispear, but they didn't and started coming every minute and were hurting. I didn't have anything for a while, but called midwife to come and have a look and she said omderate contractions and she expected me to be in stablished labour. So she hooked me up to a moniter to check contractions, but they weren't regstering as she cld fel them and knew more intense than monter, then Georgina's heart rate casued concern buy remaining over 170 and hitting 200. SO docs had to be called in! Otherwise would have probably been left until morning! LOL ANyway whilst waiting for doc to arrive she did another internal! Cervix still posterior and high and very thick! Said I was possibly 3cm. I was in pain by this point and a bit worried about being a woos! LOL

ANyway Georgina's heart rate dropped down after the examination, but docs saw as a bad sign and the heart rate soon ran back up again, so they saw it as her not being very happy sent me across to labour to have my waters broken.

Called back DF and Mum who arrived at about midnight. I'd literally just got down to labour and was waiting to be connected to a moniter to check Georgina. Again the moniter wasn't picking up intensity of my contractions! This has been every labour I've had and that topped with posterior cervix (also causes problems in smear tests) I don't think the machine can register mine. Every single labour they've read at about 30 when been in agony and full blown labour at 70 which normally isin 140 ish on toco. BUT professionals never listen to the patient!

ANyway I don't know about time, but basically it all went very fast, Georgina had ot be connected to a clip cos they kept loosing her heart rate on moniter and they gave up on me realising that it wasn't registering my contractions right anyway. So that came off whihc was nice!

So I don't know what time, but contractions were getting really strong and really hurting doc did internal and said i was progressing well cos contractions very regular. Then all at once everyone came in. One to do my canula, who incidently didn't listen about my blood pouring out once it's connected and proceeded to tell me not to move until he found somthing to mop my blood up! Then lady did internal which hurt like hell cos was so posterior, they always have real trouble reaching then had to have clip Georgina's head, broke my waters, and contractions stepped up a notch, and I just had to have a cry. The staff were all telling me to breathe on gas and air but I just wanted ot cry in OH's arms! Even OH didn't understand and as he came closer just said breath on gas and air and i just said i don't want to i just want you! so he gave me a hug until I regained a bit of composure and then gently told me to breathe on gas and air!
Then they tried tp pull me up as contraction ripping through me, and I screamed at the lmw to leave me alone, and she said it's not good for baby to be flat! I firmly but politely told her " Give me two minutes I know not good for baby but I need a moment." She finally listened and stopped and then when contraction has finished I said ok it's fine no put the bed up!

From very early on I had to keep my legs wide apart cos I just cldn't get comfy any other way, I think her head must have been putting alot of pressure on me, whereas Olivia only had a little head. I thought I needed to push, but wasn't sure if needed to push or a poo, so figured it probably wasn't push but there was defo pressure! She said she had to look, so did an internal told me I was only just about 4 cm! I cld not believe it from the pain I was in seriously thought it was nearly over! So I asked for pethidine, but cldn't have it due to her heart rate now slowing right down! So I said there was no way I could manage and needed an epidural, she said he was in theatre so I would have to wait.

OMG I seriously thought I was gonna die it was really bad intense pain! I was also exhausted from not sleeping properly the night before. (who can sleep when know induction next day.) It was awful as as much as the prenatel care for Olivia was crappy my labour was pretty much controlled and manageable.

Anyway Georgina's heart rate picked up a bit, and I was allowed pethidine which enabled me to sleep in between contractions and man did I need that sleep! But when they came they were sooooo strong, i nearly bit my mum, I scratched my nails into DF's hand (looks like a cat bite.) I yanked his shirt so ended up pulling on his chest hair. It was soooo bad and not even induced or chemical contractions this was my body! I asked for epidural again, and said i wanted a c-sect.

Finally the anteathesist came, prepped me and I suddnely had a dawn of realisation that shit i cldn't have him stick a needle in my back i cldn't stay still i cldn't even control myself through the pain, at least with Olivia I maaged to keep focussed and bring myself back but this time, i cld not do anything through the pain! Anyway they stuck the plastic on my back the aneathesist was getting annoyed with me, but I'd started shouting, but was pushign at the same time, without telling them! It just happened! I've never shouted, they moved me onto the end of the bed and it felt so much better, then i had to move again and the aneathesist shouted something about if i didn't listen then he would leave! LOL Well i finally managed to get out go, i don't need it anymore I'm pushing! She told the aneathesist to leave, lol all stuff was still out in the room and told me to turn to check me. BUT there was no time.

I started pushing mw barely had time to get baby as she came out so quick, there was no do you wanna look at baby's head, no cutting of chord, nothing she just came right out! Luckily I managed to move onto my side as i'd been sat on my bottom. DF was first to see the sex and announce it, as "Your not gonna believe it," I knew straight away and replied "It's a girl." he was soo chuffed bless him! Georgina cried within seconds of being born and within minute DF had suggested Georgina (yes cos of St Georges Day) but i liked it, so with that it stayed! Told ya that cos we had both names it wouldn't be any of the names we'd picked!

SO Georgina (middle names tbc) was born at 03.39 after loosing track of all time in bascially a just under a four hour labour no chemicals (as apparently pessary not chemical.) MAN it was intense! I will never believe anyone ever again when they say induction is more intense as I had it with both my son and Olivia the hormone drip and was way manageable!

The pain however has got considerably worse with each baby! Perhaps the intensity and speed who knows, but my 'natural' contractions well they were by ten million times the worst!

I'm dead serious when I say the labour and spd tied together I think may well and 98% certain signify the end of baby making era for me!

SO when I say hellish, it wasn't the hospital or the staff this time, infact all were wonderful but it was the pain intensity it was really bad and previously my other two I just about coped but this time. OMG it was bad!
Congrats! Love the name Georgina, really pretty and a name you don't see very often! Well done :)

Phew what a crazy time you had again! This time being lil Georgina's fault though lol! She was happy in there, then BOOOOOm put she came! Hope your all doing well hun!
Oooo I've been looking for this!

So you're 'proper' inductions (ie with the drip) were 'easier'? Now I hope I do need it! :lol:
Yeah drips were easier for me personally!

Easiest labour out of all three definately Olivia, although hosp screwed up with her, the labour was the best and most manageable!
Wow hun, you had Olivia when I had Caine, I didnt know you were pregnant again!! :D

Congratulations hun, lovely story xxxx
Congrats, my DD2 is called Georgina, she's nearly 5, so good name! haha

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