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Gestational Diabetes query


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2011
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I've been diagnosed with GD - my two hour glucose result was 8.2 and they prefer it to be max 7.8.

I have been doing my blood sugars four times a day - this is day three so it's all still new to me! Finding out what I can/shouldn't have.

Yesterday night I had my evening meal and two hours later tested my blood sugars - 6.3 so under the 7 that they recommend for durning the day. Went to bed and did my fasting blood test this morning - 6.2, so just over the 6 that they recommend for the morning. I don't understand how?! I had nothing to eat or drink after my evening meal yesterday?

Does anyone have any advice? It was 5.7 yesterday morning so within the limit but only just.

Thanks in advance ladies!
Just in case anyone follows this in the future...blood sugar this morning was 5.3 so I'm feeling a bit better about it. Guess my body is just getting used to the tweaked diet! X
Did you have a snack the night before? Oddly enough, you have to have a before bed snack, or else your body goes into a sort of starvation mode and dumps glucose into your blood stream, giving you abnormally high readings.
I too have gd. Failed the fasting at 5.3 (cut off 5.1), passed the one hour and two hour very comfortably.

My fasting number in the morning and before meals has to be below 5.0. It seems if I go more than 11 hours between eating dinner and breakfast, my number is always over 5. I'm on two units of insulin at bedtime because of it. One hour after a meal I must be under 7 and at bedtime I must be under 6. I test seven times a day and am allowed three meals, no snacks! It's tough going! To try and solve the fasting number I eat my dinner around 8 and then test before breakfast around 6.30. Fingers crossed it continues to work.
Like a previous poster mentioned, a bedtime snack is often recommended. In general, don't be discouraged by any one weird value. It is the pattern that emerges over the days and weeks that counts. I could never guess what my levels would be based on what I thought I had been eating - - just too many variables.
Thanks ladies! No didn't have a snack - I don't tend to eat dinner until quite late - normally 8.30pm. So it's difficult to want something else to eat then :/ I will try that though - thanks!
Did you have a snack the night before? Oddly enough, you have to have a before bed snack, or else your body goes into a sort of starvation mode and dumps glucose into your blood stream, giving you abnormally high readings.

This! Also I would try to have something that has both carbs and a protein...pretzels and peanut butter, cheese and crackers...something small but along those lines ;)
I had the same problems with my GD pregnancy. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was actually the beginning of my type 1 journey. The only way I can control my blood sugar is with a low carb moderate fat/protein diet. It makes a huge difference. It's also important to check your sugar at 1 hour after eating. That will let you know what you're peaking at. I was going up to 200 1 hour after eating steel-cut oatmeal, but I was always checking at 2 hours by which point I was back down to 100 so I never thought it was a problem. Every time you go over 140, the high blood sugar damages your organs. Remember it's not the diabetes that causes problems. It's uncontrolled blood sugar. I would read Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution, Wheat Belly and also check out alldayidreamaboutfood.com for low carb recipes. Also try to work in some exercise every day if you can. Even if it's just walking.

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