Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, completely forgot I posted in this bit!
FloraLaura - No, Brady didn't have to go to special care after he was born. He did have to go under the heat lamp a few times while I was in recovery (I had a c section in the end), for some reason GD babies can have problems regulating their body temperature. I could see him the whole time though. He also had low blood sugar after he was born which is very common but because I had had such a long labour he was very sleepy and wouldn't latch so had to be given formula. He then slept for about 20 hours and wasn't interested in boob or bottle, his blood sugar was borderline where they would have taken him to special care. I felt like I'd hardly seen him though because I had him at night and when I got taken back on to the ward all the lights were off, so I'd held him all morning and there was no way they were taking my baby away from me! He finally latched on luckily and his blood sugars were fine after that.
I would think that if your LO is still breech at your growth scan then you would have a c section so you wont have to go through the induction process.
Lisa - Yep, I was in hospital for the 4 days it took to get me into labour. I'd never been in hospital before for any length of time so I found this bit tough, and it also cost a fortune! Take plenty of change for the TV cards and vending machines. The midwives were brilliant though and did their best to keep my spirits up, and I also had a brilliant birthing partner (my lovely Mum) who was by my side from 9am-9pm, I think she would have stayed the whole time if they would have let her!
I'm not going to lie, I found my birthing process quite traumatic and I couldn't talk about it for a few weeks without crying, but I had an extra complication because they could not do an epidural on me, and I think that if they could have things would have been quite different. My cervix was completely closed and high when I went in, so my body just wasn't ready and I wish that I had been told more about what to expect as for the 3 weeks leading up to me going in to hospital the MW was saying things looked really good and his head was very low so I went in thinking that it wouldn't take very long.
Luckily it didn't affect me bonding with Brady but I can see how it could have done and there is no way that I'm going through that again. If I have any more then I'm going to insist on a planned c section, at least that way I know what I'll be recovering from and wont be stuck in hospital for so long. I still cant help feeling that I missed out on something, but I just have to look at Brady and it doesn't matter.
Everyone says it, but it really is worth it. He's thriving and such a happy contented baby that it was worth the 6 days in hospital, c section recovery and the months of no chocolate!