To be honest, the more I read the less overwhelming it is. I wish they'd gotten me in with the dietitian before the end of the week, as giving me more guidelines would help. I have found some excellent resources online though that have helped me understand more what I need to be eating, it isn't as low carb as I was afraid.
This site has some basic meal planning guidelines that have helped me understand what I need from each meal and snacks, and how many general "blocks" of carbs I need per meal/per day.
Like 2-3 for breakfast and 3-4 at lunch and dinner, with 1-2 at snacks in between meals and before bed. That makes so much more sense to me than "just don't eat this until further notice".
This morning I had 6 strawberries (low carb fruit, don't plan on making this a regular thing though), a half cup of whole milk plain yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, and 4 slices of thin bacon. In the future, I will use stevia to sweeten the plain yogurt, but I did not think of that yet. The full meal had 24 grams of carbs, and 17 grams of protein.
For snack, I will have cashews (a higher carb nut but just watch portions), a cheese stick, and some crackers (again, just a serving). This will be 31 grams of carbs and 15 grams of protein.
It is not as restrictive as I had imagined. I do not think, for the time being, these amounts will cause me problems. I do understand that it may be harder to manage the further along I get though, and I am anxious to go ahead and start testing my blood glucose so I know how these things affect my blood sugar.