Yeah. But I am noticing a trend anyway, maybe something does need tweaking.
My fasting number has been great, as well as my post-breakfast number. But all the days I've taken it, my numbers have been higher after lunch and dinner. Sometimes just a little higher but still good, but multiple times right around 120 which is my limit. I think I'm doing something different in the afternoon and evening that I'm not doing in the morning. Now, lunch and dinner are bigger than breakfast, as my dietitian has instructed me. Apparently most people do better in the afternoon/evening and struggle with the mornings, I guess I'm weird!
I had a super high calorie, high fat, high protein shake for bedtime snack last night, because I'd been slacking on my calories all day. I don't think I've had enough protein and fat with my lunches and dinner.
Even after my super fatty high protein smoothie, I had lost a pound this morning.