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I've been expressing by hand and pumping as well, but I can only use the pump for a short time because my nipples are so cracked and sore. I need to get some Lanisoh lol!

The pump draws my nipple out a bit, but it doesn't last long. :(
Lanisoh do something called a Latch Assist. It's a sucker for flat nipples.
I can offer some support with the shields issue hun. I'll PM you and try to offer as much advice and support as I can.
i want to be a bf champion! lol only been bf a month tho so dnt think i qualify hehe
PM Rafwife to be added to the list

FS mummy your speciality can be tandem feeding :D

This is such a wonderful sticky - I felt I had to take full advantage :thumbup:

My son is nealry 5 weeks old. I have struggled a bit in that he was not gaining sufficient weight. Initially this was identified at his 2 week weigh in a subsequent weekly weigh-ins with a mw.. As of last week I have been giving him 25 ml top-up of EBM (and occassionally 25 ml formula when EBM has not been possible) after each feed. He is due to be weighed again this Wednesday fx'd!!!

I am pumping after every feed to stimulate my milk production as they suspect this may be why he hasn't gained as much weight as he should. Also, worth noting - I was not able to express much when I tried a few weeks ago, but am happy to say the amount is steadily increasing :happydance:

I would love to have someone I can touch base with now and again - caringf for a baby is still new to me.... :shrug:

Thanks for the initiative ladies :hugs:
I think I am going to go loopy with lack of sleep so could do with some advice please:wacko:

My baby was 7 weeks premature and came home after 2 weeks by which time she had stopped being tube fed and was being exclusively breast fed.I had been expressing every 3 hours while she was in hospital and she was being topped up with what I produced. She was like clockwork waking and being fed every 3 hours. Now this has dropped to every 2 hours which of course means by the time you have fed her, changed her, settled her etc your lucky to get an hours sleep! I seem to have plenty of milk and she seems to be feeding well.

Is this normal? Can or should I be trying to get her to go longer again? How long will this last?

I am so tired and really want to enjoy this time with her as I have already missed out on a couple of weeks feeding and cuddling her when she was in hospital :(

I think I am going to go loopy with lack of sleep so could do with some advice please:wacko:

My baby was 7 weeks premature and came home after 2 weeks by which time she had stopped being tube fed and was being exclusively breast fed.I had been expressing every 3 hours while she was in hospital and she was being topped up with what I produced. She was like clockwork waking and being fed every 3 hours. Now this has dropped to every 2 hours which of course means by the time you have fed her, changed her, settled her etc your lucky to get an hours sleep! I seem to have plenty of milk and she seems to be feeding well.

Is this normal? Can or should I be trying to get her to go longer again? How long will this last?

I am so tired and really want to enjoy this time with her as I have already missed out on a couple of weeks feeding and cuddling her when she was in hospital :(


How long has it been going on? It might just be a growth spurt. Eddie has days when he wants to feed every hour and it drives me nuts, but it doesn't last long. :hugs:
i think maybe a growth spurt to grumpymoo, the first one is difficult and it sounds to me like you matbe right in the middle of it. The good news is they're not permenant and they do get easier as they get older.
I'd love to be a bfing champion too! :blush: I had problems in the early days with latch etc so Aisling was on ebm and formula for about 2 weeks until I got her latched on again at 2 1/2 weeks. Since 5 weeks she's been exclusively bfed so I guess I can help in some ways? :D
Hello, I probably should have come on here earlier for support, but better late than never right?? I would love to be paired up with a breast feeding champion, could I please be added to the list? Here is a bit about my situation, if you need more info just ask :)

I delivered at 38 weeks after being induced for obstetric cholestasis. I had a post partum hemorage and Aloura became jaundiced and lost a lot of weight by day two. I was advised to rent a pump and pump 5-6 times a day. I was also advised to supplement with formula until my milk supply was sufficient. After 3 weeks of this I was BFing exclusively and no longer pumping. Things were going fine until about two weeks ago. During the past few months I would sometimes give Aloura a bottle of formula (less then twice a week) if and only if we were going to be out somewhere I couldn't BF her. She didn't like the bottle and it was always a struggle to feed her this way, however a couple weeks ago my inlaws were in town and stayed with us for a week, we were going out a lot in the day and were out for a couple evenings where Aloura was given a bottle and formula. I also think she was going through a growth spurt during this time and she often (I felt) needed more food in the evening then I could give her, so would give her formula (3 oz.) before bed. Basically by the end of the week my milk supply decreased dramatically, Aloura was refusing the breast and only seemed to want the bottle. I realize that I put us in that position with my actions over the week. I was really upset that this might be the end of BFing for me. I decided to buy a pump so that at least, if it was going to be the bottle for us, it would at least be BM. I also bought some Fenugreek and started taking it last night. I have been pumping for three days now. At first I was only getting 1/2 an oz to 1 oz, but now am getting up to 3 oz. at a time. Aloura has been accepting the breast more and today we were able to go with No formula at all. I feel like things are turning around for us now and are going to be o.k. but would still love to have someone to talk to about the bumps along the way. My goal is to BF for her first year and to continue to pump now and then so that I have BM stored for times that we go out or so my DH can feed her now and then, but right now I am trying to avoid the bottle so she doesn't reject the breast again.

Thank you very much for any help!!


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