Getting #2 is proving difficult


Jan 24, 2013
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Hi, I'm new to this forum. I'm 34 years old and currently TTC my second child - with no success. This next month will be month 5 of trying. I realize this isn't all that long to try but my daughter was an unexpected pregnancy so I've never been in the position of TTC before!

When I realized my period had come today I cried. I don't usually cry over that so I guess it's starting to get to me.

Just wanted to say 'hello' and hope you all get your BFP soon. :)

I'm also trying to conceive no 2 and like you no 1 was unexpected. I presumed it was going to be easy, but it's been almost two years now and two early miscarriages. We are now seeing a fertility specialist and not feeling hopeful one bit!

I've found the clearblue fertility sticks to be really helpful (the ones with the smiley face) in getting timing right. But for us it's a sperm count issue.

I've got better at dealing with my Period arriving, by simply just trying to forget during the two week wait, otherwise I drive myself crazy with symptom spotting!

Good luck to you and a huge double dose of baby dust.

I know it's hard to be patient when you want something right away. I remember being upset when month #2 didn't work out, so I understand. But don't stress yet, you're still only in the early months of trying. When we tried for #2 we got pregnant right away but unfortunately we lost that one and then we tried for 8 months before we fell pregnant again. And that one turned into our beautiful daughter.

We're trying for baby #3 and it's been 17 months (I can't even believe I typed that). And we've had another miscarriage (early). I am 34 years as well. I have to say it's been the most painful 17 mths of my life and counting...
My husband probably thinks I'm nuts for being upset so early into the TTC process.

Thanks for replying! I wish you both the greatest of luck in getting your 2nd/3rd babies!
I am 32 and my first child was unexpected as well. I am not an overly emotional person but with almost 24 months of AF every month I have started crying too. We just started clomid and hoping for a BFP. Wishing you luck and baby dust!
Same here. First born was a wonderful surprise and we are now in our 21st month of trying to conceive our second. Although, I must say, I did get some answers in December. After a year of infertility testing and failed IUIs we did an investigative Lap in December. I have stage 4 Endo and my doc said due to the state of my uterus (full of small polyps and dents) there was now way anything could implant.

This is our first month trying since the procedure (took longer to heal than normal due to amount of work done and a very long cycle), so fingers crossed.
5 months is no time at all..most healthy couples can take a year or almost 6 years ttc #2 give it more time..don't be upset :) you were lucky to have no wait the first time(like me) :thumbup:
5 months isn't very long - although I can definitely appreciate it feels like a long time - so it may just be a case of waiting. If you are trying at the right times and it's still not happening, perhaps you could see if you can be referred for tests? I fell pregnant pretty quickly when we first started TTC but I had a MMC and it then took us 3 years to fall pregnant with our son. It was found that my husband has a slightly low sperm count which was probably the reason why. So we obviously got lucky when I had my MMC (although miscarrying was not lucky).

Just give it a few more months. Lots of people take 6+ months to fall pregnant but they do. Good luck x
Yeah, it's really pretty rotten of me to be worried after 5 months. I just got AF (arrived 5 days late, nice tease) so the trying will continue.

We're not going to try next month - for practical reasons part of which the hubs is on a business trip during what would probably be the best time- but I might start charting my temp anyway as I'm pretty sure I ovulate later than my apps are predicting.

Thanks for the responses ladies. And I am very much wishing you all the best in you TTC endeavours!
I'm with you ladies. I'm on cycle #5 of TTC our second. It's hard to be patient, but chances are, we conceived once, so we should again. It's just a waiting game!

Here with you too i'm 33 and ttc#2 and on cycle 8 it only took 3 cycles with our first - i still get upset now every month when i get af and my dh wonders why and thinks i'm mad

Glad that I'm not the only one whose husband thinks is crazy. :)

Baby dust to you all! My husband is away on business right when I ovulate so we're not even bothering to try this month.
5 months is nothing hence they won't refer you until 12 months for most couples.

I'm sure the stats are something like 40% of couples will concieve within 2 months, 80% of couples will concieve within 6 months, 90% within 12 months and 95% within 24 months. With that remaining 5% needing help.
We have been trying for 1 year. I am on cycle 17. We are TTC #3 post TR. It sucks and it has been very hard since about 5 months in so I can see where your coming from. just remember like PPs have said, it can take up to a year and if after a year you might want to see a specialist.

Good luck!! :hugs:
I'm trying to concieve number 2, baby 1 took 3 years to concieve he was born 13/02/12 & haven't been on any bc since, & still haven't fell. I pray it don't take 3 yrs or longer this time x baby dust girls x
I just got lucky in cycle #5. First baby took 9-10 perfectly timed hang in there.
Aw, congrats MinneGirl! How exciting for you!

As predicted I ovulated while the hubs was away on business so I (very expectedly) am now starting my period. At least this time it's on time. I was about a week late last month which gave me hope despite negative pregnancy tests. Note to self to NOT test until I'm at least a week the last time.

So onto cycle #6 of trying. Or would it be cycle 7 even though it was impossible to try last month?
I only counted cycles where we had a chance, so you are not on cycle #7. This last month we didn't use OPK's or anything. We literally just DTD's a bunch. I swear, the less you think about it, the better. I know with my first, I got pregnant cycle 9 or 10 when I stopped being crazy about it.

Cheering you all on! Think positive thoughts too. You got pregnant once, you WILL get pregnant again.
Hi everyone!
I'm new here as well and on cycle/month 14 of TTC baby #2. It definitely gets harder as time goes by but I'm trying to stay positive that it will still happen soon. I guess every month is another opportunity!!?!
Hi Ladies

Just an update from me. You can read my original post on page 1 of this thread .......... It worked! I got my BFP that cycle and am currently 10 weeks pregnant.

All thanks to my doctor for listening and going in to have a look and finding a solution!

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