I haven't had any pain, haven't needed nipple cream, haven't had scabbed or bleeding nipples, at the beginning I could feel the letdown but it wasn't painful, more tingly. I only managed to bf my first daughter for 5 weeks most of which was with nipple shields so I was surprised how easy it was this time round. I feel like I say it over and over again but the idea that bfing has to be painful is wrong. It shouldn't be. I've heard people come out with alsorts to justify it but actually no it shouldn't be painful at all, it means something isn't quite right. However there are so few highly trained experienced feeding supporters around it's hard to find someone easily to get the help you need. Midwives and hv's often aren't that trained or experienced in all the technicalities of bfing, you need someone with proper experience when you encounter a problem to get you back on track before it gets to the point of pain and bleeding nipples!