Gimme your complaints!

I found applesauce helps with my morning sickness. I was throwing up yesterday from 4am til noon and once more around 4pm cause I ate poor hubby had to clean the floor around 5am when I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time.

Today's complaint is a headache. Which I'm pretty sure is triggered from yesterdays ms adventures. Still can't eat much :/
I'm still puking. So far its been every 10 minutes to an hour for 12 hours. I don't feel like anything is going to help I just have to wait for it to pass. Anything I eat or drink the moment it hits my stomach I get sick and puke a few minutes later. If I don't eat or drink between throwups i will just dry heave. This is terrible..I have no idea at what point I should go get dehydration taken care of at ER. I really don't want to do that ):
Hmm let's see... Being super moody? Not wanting the boyfriend to touch me, kiss me or let alone snuggle with me at night which I feel so horrible about. I used to love our snuggly time now I can't stand it but least he understands.
Can't eat meat without feeling super sick its weird because before I even found out I was pregnant I kept craving spicy things now I avoid it or try to.
When I think I'm hungry I feel sick and when I'm sick I feel mostly hungry.
Then there's the constant urge that I need to eat even though I just had (for example broccoli rice pizza rolls and a sandwich and still complain of being hungry)
Oh the joys of first trimester.. Lol. :)
Today, I have to complain about my stomach which seems to fill up in no time, and empty out even quicker! I feel like I go from fully satiated to ravenous in 30 minutes. Sorry to hear how bad some of you ladies have had it with the morning sickness and nausea. I'm lucky enough to have only had some occasion bouts of it. I seem to notice I feel worse when I'm not eating fruits and veggies. There was one day that I basically only had pasta, a bagel, and sandwiches (all whole grain and with healthy sauce/fillings!) and I felt sick as a dog!
Amalee I know what your talking about! I get that too its so weird! And its been so hard for me with my food aversions since Saturday... I have to eat so often but I don't want anything!
Well I may complain a lot .. But yesterday I discovered hula hoops really help mornif sickness for me! Woo!!

However does anyone else wake up feeling so rubbish you wish you were still asleep! :S luckily my toddler is so good at lying in'
I got hit with overpowering exhaustion today. I begged my son to take a nap so I can nap too. And when he did, I passed right out. But then he woke up about 45 minutes later. I begged him for 10 more minutes but he's a busy toddler so I had to get up with him and try to frantically find him something to eat because he was starving as I had forgotten to feed him lunch due to being so tired and woozy. Damn. Luckily I whipped up something fast. I remembered I hadn't eaten either (no appetite usually all day) so I ate something. But the bone deep exhaustion is something else with an active toddler. Wow.
Glad your symptoms are kicking in earth!

T8ty, yes I know that feeling. Last night I held my pee when I had the urge to get up to go because of how terrible I feel when I wake up! Even just to get up and pee! Then I have to try to eat but nothing sounds good at 3 am(or ever). Its just crazy lol. I'm going to try not to get up again tonight.

My biggest complaint today is my food aversions. Everything yummy is DISGUSTING. Everything is disgusting. I LOVE food, I am a food loving girl but the past few days- I HATE food. It makes me so sad :cry: I struggle to find anything I want to eat even when my tummy is yelling at me to eat. I can't look at the food in my kitchen without gaging. OH made a wonderful dinner of pan fried chicken and sweet mashed potatoes. It sounded really good and looked good but once it hit my tongue my brain said NONONO YUCK! And just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. Even though it was delicious.

It doesn't make any sense! :wacko:
Glad your symptoms are kicking in earth!

T8ty, yes I know that feeling. Last night I held my pee when I had the urge to get up to go because of how terrible I feel when I wake up! Even just to get up and pee! Then I have to try to eat but nothing sounds good at 3 am(or ever). Its just crazy lol. I'm going to try not to get up again tonight.

My biggest complaint today is my food aversions. Everything yummy is DISGUSTING. Everything is disgusting. I LOVE food, I am a food loving girl but the past few days- I HATE food. It makes me so sad :cry: I struggle to find anything I want to eat even when my tummy is yelling at me to eat. I can't look at the food in my kitchen without gaging. OH made a wonderful dinner of pan fried chicken and sweet mashed potatoes. It sounded really good and looked good but once it hit my tongue my brain said NONONO YUCK! And just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. Even though it was delicious.

It doesn't make any sense! :wacko:

Emmicakes, I know how you feel I had this. It started around 6 weeks and then tapered off at 9 then came back at 10 weeks along with exhaustion but I really think it's going now :)
I know it's awful not being able to enjoy food especially when you used to love it! I found nibbling little snacks really helped like salted or sweet microwave pop corn, tortilla chips, some grapes, melon, plain toast with a little butter.. Hot lemon, ginger and honey.
Hope you feel better soon x
im just so tired! i fall asleep every night on the sofa around 8pm! i wake up in the morning and still feel exhausted, i have the odd moment of feeling sick and gagging but fingers crossed up to now i havn't actually been sick,, i find every thing i try to eat takes me ages as soon as it goes in my mouth i dont like it !:haha:
Gizzyy, same here about the symptoms! I thought they were gone for good sob but I spent the day on the couch puking. Emicakes yes...I miss loving food! I used to love a good breakfast and strong coffee. Nope nope nope. I hear it takes women til the baby pops out to start enjoying their old favs again. I surely hope not. I'm fast approaching the second trimester and I'm worried my sudden hate of anything home cooked will harm the baby. It's fine for the first few weeks, but my mw stressed the importance of nutrition in second tri. am I already a terrible mother?
I seem to have a little of both issues with food. Before 11am I'm lucky to get a glass of milk down but around lunch and on from there my hunger is insatiable! Someone posted earlier that they will eat and then be hungry 30 minutes later and this is me too for sure! Hope you gals with bad ms get some relief soon. If it's any help my upchucking episodes seem to have tapered quite a bit starting about a week ago so it was true (for me at least) that it does get better!
My complaint: I have to wait until the 6th January for a scan!!! Arghhhh its aaaages away and I'm so excited/nervous lol!! Can't believe I'm only 4w, seems like a long time ago I got a + test!! (Even tho it was only a week) haha:
OK well i'm only 7 weeks and i've only had mild sickness and some fatigue. I tell you though the WORST thing has been that since I got pregnant I have had strep throat twice!!! Relief does not come when you can't take anything for the pain! It's been awful.... But I'm on my way towards being better, hopefully. Oh and I'm really weepy.
I'm so bloated I feel like I ate a cantaloupe! And I've been like this since week 4!!!! WTF!!!! I had very slight ms from week 5-7 and then it slowly tapered off, and I haven't had it in almost a week. Nips are not so bad unless its cold, and then OMG!! I can't watch sad movies, even if I've seen it a thousand times. I will cry like a baby. And it sucks, since I really like movies like Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, etc.

And I'm tired. I'm so tired. I would kill for some uninterrupted sleep where my very sweet husband is NOT IN THE ROOM F*CKING SNORING LIKE A BEAR RIDING ON A TRAIN!!!!! I love him so much, and appreciate all he does. But when I'm tired, and its 3am and I can't sleep due to his know what I love more? The thought of smothering him with a pillow to make him be quiet. :blush:

Sometimes I tell the dog to go "kiss daddy" on the mouth in the middle of the night. It shuts him up for a while. :rofl::rofl:

I feel better now. :D
I'm so bloated I feel like I ate a cantaloupe! And I've been like this since week 4!!!! WTF!!!! I had very slight ms from week 5-7 and then it slowly tapered off, and I haven't had it in almost a week. Nips are not so bad unless its cold, and then OMG!! I can't watch sad movies, even if I've seen it a thousand times. I will cry like a baby. And it sucks, since I really like movies like Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, etc.

And I'm tired. I'm so tired. I would kill for some uninterrupted sleep where my very sweet husband is NOT IN THE ROOM F*CKING SNORING LIKE A BEAR RIDING ON A TRAIN!!!!! I love him so much, and appreciate all he does. But when I'm tired, and its 3am and I can't sleep due to his know what I love more? The thought of smothering him with a pillow to make him be quiet. :blush:

Sometimes I tell the dog to go "kiss daddy" on the mouth in the middle of the night. It shuts him up for a while. :rofl::rofl:

I feel better now. :D

Lmfao!:xmas13: I love your description of your husbands snoring. I hit my husband in the head with a pillow for snoring a while back so I feel your pain. I had my worst bloating early on like you but have lost weight (not due to not eating lol) since earlier this tri and so think my body might be adjusting a bit. In starting to believe what I read about 2nd tri being easier...shutting up now don't want to jinx it.
I'm so bloated I feel like I ate a cantaloupe! And I've been like this since week 4!!!! WTF!!!! I had very slight ms from week 5-7 and then it slowly tapered off, and I haven't had it in almost a week. Nips are not so bad unless its cold, and then OMG!! I can't watch sad movies, even if I've seen it a thousand times. I will cry like a baby. And it sucks, since I really like movies like Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, etc.

And I'm tired. I'm so tired. I would kill for some uninterrupted sleep where my very sweet husband is NOT IN THE ROOM F*CKING SNORING LIKE A BEAR RIDING ON A TRAIN!!!!! I love him so much, and appreciate all he does. But when I'm tired, and its 3am and I can't sleep due to his know what I love more? The thought of smothering him with a pillow to make him be quiet. :blush:

Sometimes I tell the dog to go "kiss daddy" on the mouth in the middle of the night. It shuts him up for a while. :rofl::rofl:

I feel better now. :D

:haha::haha::haha::haha: you made me laugh :) I think the snoring thing is universal, you don't need to be preggo to feel that way...but, they say that during third trimester women snore really really bad, so hopefully we will get our revenge :) muahaha ....

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