girl names

Well can I put a word in for Jack then, as it has been such a good name for us! It suited him as a cute newborn and is still lovely and cute now but I can see it being a great name when he's a teenager and older too. He's the only one in nursery and reception with the name which always surprises me as its not as popular as I thought it would be! I've been so happy with the choice of Jack. So if you like it, go for it!

Jack Gordon Fraser sounds like a really good name

Violet Jasmine goes very nicely IMO. Other J middle name suggestions:

Violet Josie/Josephine
Violet Jade
Violet Joy
Violet Joni

Hmm none sound as good as Violet Jasmine!
I love Violet, Archer and Jack!

Not my baby BUT I'm not sure about Violet paired with Jasmine though. Can't think of J names other than Josephine and Joslyn but that don't seem to fit your style xx
Jack is fab. We are leaning towards Archer if this baby is a boy :)

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