My ex and I were together for six years before I had my son. We were highschool sweethearts and I had my son at nineteen. When my son was almost here the guy I was with cheated on me. Then came back. Then he proposed to me. Every thing was dandy. My son was almost five months old when my ex told me it was over. Baby is two now and I have a new bf who's great with my son but my ex wants me back and has been really persistent. Am I crazy for not wanting to go back. But I feel guilty because I feel like I'm preventing my son a better life with two parents..its. been killing me to the point where I think getting. Back together with him regardless of my major insecurities with my ex - he put me thru absolute hell with other girls. I don't know what I should do. Am I being selfish. Or iss sucking it up worth it if my son gets a better life