Hey everyone. My name is Kelly I am 18. I have a daughter named Athena (she will be 6 months on the 17th) and a dead beat soon to be Ex-Boyfriend(he is 19). We have been VERY rocky for a LONG time but he keeps begging me to stay. Making me feel guilty for messing up Athenas life... I just don't know how to leave him. I mean I still "love him" but I am not "in love" with him anymore if any of you can understand that. He gets VERY angry every time I go to leave. Refuses to pay child support used to say he would take Athena then saying he wouldn't want to see her. He can't handle her at all. She cries and he gets all pissed off and says really scary mean stuff and says why dont we just put her up for adoption then we would be fine. I just don't know what to do... I am SOOO lost and so scared. I HATE being alone by myself. I get very scared. I just am not sure I can be a single mom at all and am afraid I will just give in and be unhappy for the rest of my life just for Athena and Him...