Not sure if this is where I should post this, but I figured someone here would have some advice. I am going to see my doctor today and I don't really know what to expect out of him. My dh and I have been TTC for over a year with recurrent mcs, but my last mc I had a d and c. The d and c was problematic and I had to be rushed back for a second surgery to stop me from bleeding out and they were very close to doing a blood transfusion. Ever since this happened we haven't been able to get pregnant and my cycles have ranged from 26 - 34 days and they used to be very normal and predictable. We have been TTC nine months since the d and c without any luck. I am scared something happened during that d and c that has impacted my fertility, but has anyone had this happen? I have been tested for recurrent mcs and found out I have a blood clotting disorder, but I am on baby aspirin for that until I conceive when I will be given lovenox. Any advice as to what to tell my dr? What should I do? Will he say to just wait it out longer? Thanks for any responses! Sorry for typos...on my iPad.