I was induced, with contractions one on top of the other my whole labor, and was able to get to 5 cm before asking for any pain relief. My plan was to go all natural but I got to the point where I thought I couldn't do it anymore, and had been up for about 28 hours so I gave in. It did nothing so I requested an epidural, then it didn't work so they gave me another and it took the edge off, but didn't take the pain away at all and definitely wasn't the dream medicine people make it out to be. Then 2 hours later I was pushing, if I had known it would have only been 2 hours more I would have held off. Especially if you are not induced, it is definitely possible and you are not crazy! Just try different methods to see what works for you (walking, water, birth ball, massage, breathing, hypnobirthing, essential oils). I never believed in the breathing methods, and then in labor they were the ONLY thing that helped me. You don't know what will work for you until you are experiencing it. Good luck!