Thanks for the responce girls.
Unfortunately I went to see my FS yesterday CD5 for my Linining & Follicle scan.
The scan showed that I didn't ovulate last month and that the large follicle I had left over from last month has now grown to 6cm. Damn PCOS.
I have been put on a strong BCP for one month to aggressively shrink the follicle since the progesterone last month didn't do the job. Hopefully it will just be one month of BCP to shrink it and then I can do my IUI next month as planned with both Clomid tablets and the dreaded Gonal-F injections.
I am like Arcanegirl, I just don't think I could do it to myself, you girls are lucky that you can, it would make things easier. The problem with the injections this month is that DH and I were going to be away on holiday for a week and therefore my FS couldn't do it, so next month things will be back to normal and I will go to his office for the jab.
FX this stupid body of mine responds to the meds and this silly follicle shrinks so we can try next month. I have already sat last month out because of it.
Good luck to you all.
Glad you are doing better Maz. I really hope this next IVF cycle is it for you.
PS: Pixielou it is the gonal-f injection (FSH, follicle stimulating hormone) am refering to, not the HCG although that one is also really painful.