Got My 12 Week Scan Appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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Its been arranged for next Wednesday.

Having the Nucal scan, bloods etc etc. Excited and scared at the same time. Should get my results same day with a bit of luck. As im not exactly young (36 in Nov) the Nucal scan gives me something else to worry about - jeez wish i had some worry beads. haha. Cant wait to see the little one though. FIngers crossed all with go well.
Awww bless! Missed my 12wk scan but i cant wait to finally see my bubs! Good luck for wednesday, i had all my bloods taken the other week and i nearly passed out! :lol:
Thanks hun.

Lol @ passed out - needles aint the best feeling in the world are they.
How come you missed your 12 week if ya dont mind me asking.
Nah theyre horrible! 5 lots of blood and a needle stuck in my arm wasnt the best feeling! lol

I dont mind saying but its not the best thing! I had arranged a termination so they saw no need to send me for a scan! Its a shame i missed it but mum is paying for a 4d scan to make up for it!
Its okay, i dont mind saying but its the hardest choice i ever made! Enjoy your 12wk scan!!! It'll be so small! :cloud9:
ooh, Good Luck wednesday!

Make sure you post Piccies :D

Ohhh Angels mommy, that is briliant!!! How you feeling about it babe?

I hope everything goes well hun, you enjoy it! :hugs: xx
Good Luck with your scan on Wednesday. Mines on Monday. I'm looking forward to seeing bubba for the first time but scared in case theres a problem. I'm now paranoid its twins cos I feel huge am already in maternity trousers and I dreamt last Saturday I went for scan and saw 2 babies. It seemed so real I woke upin a cold sweat. I suppose it serves me right for eating cheese b4 bed :devil: Sending you big hugs for Wednesday :hugs:
Thanx for all your replies and support girls. Still shi**ing a brick about Wednesday but will keep you posted.

Good Luck to you for Monday Mummy2twoplusbump :)

Bye for Now.

Jen Xx
Good Luck for tomorrow Mummy2twoplusbump!!

Enjoy it hun :hugs: xx
Thank you all for your messages yesterday didn't manage to get online last pc disconected as hubby having probs with xbox live all sorted now thankfully, Iwas starting to panic Iwas going to have to go another day without you girls. :cry: Scan was great only altered due to date by couple of days to 3rd instead of 6th,, and thankfully there is only one :happydance: No doubt the next 6 months at work all I'll get from patients is are you sure its not twins/ triplets like last two times :evil:
Mummy2twoplusbump said:
Thank you all for your messages yesterday didn't manage to get online last pc disconected as hubby having probs with xbox live all sorted now thankfully, Iwas starting to panic Iwas going to have to go another day without you girls. :cry: Scan was great only altered due to date by couple of days to 3rd instead of 6th,, and thankfully there is only one :happydance: No doubt the next 6 months at work all I'll get from patients is are you sure its not twins/ triplets like last two times :evil:

I am glad you got your pc sorted!!!

Glad everything went well at the scan babe, that is brilliant!!

Do you have the date for your next one yet, did you book it there and then?

Did ya get any pics ya can post? xx
Got date for next scan which is 20th Nov. Hope to find sex but if wriggles as much as today theres no chance :lol: Managed to get 3 pics altho 2 do look the same and one is quit blurred as baby rolled over when they tried to get pic. Talk about uncoperative, took 3 goes to actually do the dating bit :dohh: Will try and figure out how to post pics, not very computer literatre obnly just leraned how to do attachment to e mail :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: May have to get some help with it :lol:

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