Growth Restriction Scare.. End in beautiful birth


Mother of 1 expecting # 2
May 16, 2011
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My home birth story:
Part One Doctors Stupidity
Where to begin. I need to start with the understanding of my later part of pregnancy. At 35 weeks the doctor ordered a 3rd ultrasound saying that I was measuring small. (My mother measured small with most of her children) I said ok and off to get an ultrasound. The ultrasound technician (20 years in that field) said the baby looked great even though she might be a little small. He said everything looked normal and he wouldn't consider her growth restricted. I had a sigh of relief. Then back to the room to see the doctor. She said I was growth restricted and I needed yet another ultrasound at a near by dr. office for a 2D ultrasound. In the meanwhile 2 doctors visits a week with NST (Non-Stress Test) So two weeks later (37 weeks supposedly) Had the 2d ultrasound and the doctor said NOTHING about the actually findings just that he thought it would be best to induce. I asked him how the baby looked and he said "oh she's fine" Oh she's fine? Why are we inducing then? "Because it would be safer for her if she was out so we could take care of her needs." he said. I just nodded my head. On the way home we got a call from a nurse at the hospital my doctor attended. "When would you like to schedule your induction? Tomorrow or Thursday? " She said. I said "neither" I am not having an induction. Her reply. "Oh. ok. I'll have the doctor call you." I told her, "You do that." The last visit I had with the doctor who told me I was growth restricted she told me this. "You know if your baby dies, we can sue you for negligence. I would just be better if you listen to the people who know what they are talking about." Trying to scare me into doing it. I looked her straight in the eyes and said. "THIS is MY baby and I will do what I think is BEST FOR HER!" She said, "fine we'll do what YOU want then. Do you WANT to be here? do you WANT the NST?" My mom was there and she said, "We want to leave now." And so we did. I never saw her again. I transferred my care to a more local doctor who would give me my rhogam shot if I needed another one after my daughter was born. (he looked over all the ultrasound stuff and my chart and said I was normal and there wasn't anything wrong with me or the baby) I still went to that office for my lasts visits but saw a different doctor. My 40 wk doctors apt was on friday and my daughter was born the next day.

Part Two Actual Labor/Birth

I woke up around 4 am with some mild contractions but good enough to keep me awake. So I got up and went to the living room to watch Disney movies. I fell asleep and woke up around 5:30 am with a little bit more intense labor and decided to get up to use the restroom I had a contraction on the toilet and then noticed I didn't have to pee but that there was water coming down. LOL :) So I got up and used a size 1 diaper (like my doula had taught us in our Bradley class) Which worked great. ;) Then deciding I must actually be in labor I woke my husband up and told him the news. He got up and helped me get comfortable in the livingroom. Had a bowl of cereal..

1 hour after that I threw up and decided it would be best to call the mid wife. Called the "team" as I like to call them : Midwife (My mother), Doula (My aunt), Best friend, and photographer/videographer my sister. My Midwife and my sister arrived first. My midwife never actually checked to see my progress so we went by the sign posts of labor. Got into the tub about 8ish.

Labor progressed well from there. I only got out of the tub one time close to the end (somewhere around transition) and it was HORRIBLE I was so uncomfortable I could wait to just get back in. I didn't get out again after that. I labored leaning forward facing up against the tub with my "helper" in front of me. They all took turns pushing on the pressure points on my hands and hips. I was very noisy towards the end. Making low grunting noises to relieve some of the intensity. I also did "raspberry lips" (blowing out to make my lips vibrate) which really helped and some swaying back and forth. The first couple of pushes I wasn't sure I was supposed to push so I kind of grunted through them.

Then my Doula said, "Do you remember talking about this when you feel a contraction deep breath, in deep breath out, deep breath in, and bare down and push. I birthed Baylee facing forward just as in my labor. She has born in 7 minutes after I started pushing. At 1:47pm Sat 19th of September 2009. 6 pds 7 ounces. 19 1/2 inches long. FULL head of hair! COVERED in vernix! There was even pieces floating in the water. And a VERY short little tiny cord and placenta.

Oh did I mention that was the day of my sister's baby shower? Yep, my sister, mom, and aunt all missed it to be at my birth. LOL :) Her head didn't make me tear I did that slowly. But when I pushed her body out I could feel just a tiny tear at the top and I did. Stage 1 (surface tear) 3 stitches just to make sure either side didn't heal to the other because it was so high other wise I wouldn't have needed a stitch. When she came out into the water I turned over and picked up the most precious thing I had ever since. One little cry and then she was silent looking into my eyes knowing she was safe and content. Everything else went well as far as delivering the placenta and all. 9ish hour labor in total. Very quick. I believe it was because I was so comfortable and open to my body and what it was doing. Right after she was born and my Midwife finished up the stitches. I said proudly, "I could do that again."

Part Three Thank God I Listened To My Body
First my Midwife did the apgar test on my daughter at the appropriate times and did her E-val. She looked at me and said, "Your baby isn't term." (40 weeks gestation) I asked her why she thought that and she told me some medical reasons that proved otherwise. I took her to the labor and delivery ward the day after she was born in the morning to test her cord blood for her blood type and her fetal testing. The doctor came in and looked at her. He asked what her gestation was and I told him they thought it was 40 weeks. He said,"No this baby is probably 37 or 38 weeks." IMPORTANT PART if I had of done what the doctor had wanted and had an induction at "37 weeks" three weeks before she was born at 38 weeks. She would have been 34 - 35 weeks old when she was born. She most likely would have been in the NICU and we could have had problems breastfeeding. I am SO glad I didn't get induced. It was a VERY difficult decision wondering if I was making the right one. But I knew with her heart rate strong that she was fine and trusting she would come when she was good and ready. She did! And trusting my body to know that birth is a VERY natural process that it knew what to do and it did. I am a FIRM believer in ALL women were created to give birth and a VERY small percentage need medical help (intervention due to emergency) BELIEVE in your body!

And be educated know what's going on and the process behind it. Know the techniques to deal with the intense part of labor. Have a doula!! They are amazing and great supporters. Have REAL support people who support birth and it's natural process. Know your body and what's best for your baby. It's not about you... It's about that beautiful miracle you bring into the world. And don't you want to look back and say I did what I knew was best and I did it to bring my child in to the world the most loving way possible. To me that is what my home birth was about. Bringing Baylee into the world with love and support from my family and friends knowing that even from before she was born I planned and processed love into her birth and our relationship. Sorry for the novel but you need to know the whole story to get the story. :) I hope it touches you.

Ps. I am not against hospital birth or even c-sections. They are medically necessary to save lives. And it's important to be comfortable where your are. If it's the hospital then that is were you were meant to deliver. I just want to make sure that you know I am not a home birth activist only, like it's the only way. Although I would recommend it to anyone who has a health pregnancy. :)
Congrats! :flower: Btw, I love the name Baylee (and the spelling of it), so cute! :baby:
A really great birth story. I am researching as tcc at the moment. What are those techniques u talk about? I will be having a hospital birth but am looking to have as natural as possible.
My recommendation is that you get Ina May's guide to child birth and looking into natural birth methods. Also I would recommend that you find a Doula.
Thank you thank you thank you for a beautiful and empowering birth story. :cloud9:
aww what a lovely story hun congratulations on a healthy and happy labour and well done you for trusting your own instincts xx

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