And Nothing Not Even Little Bits Of Blood Just BH's Yday And Thats It,
Its Nearly Been 24Hours Am I Meant To Have Some Kind Of Blood Or Anything To Know Its Worked xx
I had a sweep with 1st, it was another 2 days before anything happened and then it was just contractions to start. Don't panic things will happen when they are ready too
I had a sweep 24 hours ago, woke up this morning and had quite a bit of bloody show, but nothing else. Have heard they can take 48 hours though so fingers crossed, it'll start for us both soon. x
keep me posted hormonal, i lost my plug but it waasnt bloody about 4 weeks ago so i dont know whether ill lose anything like that again not sure, just getting braxton hicks now, you had any other twinges since the sweep?
i had one on DS on 23rd dec, nothing happened..was painful but not that bad..had a 2nd sweep on 28th dec & nearly hit ceiling with pain when he did morning..wham bam labour may take few days or possibly another sweep....good luck...if i wasnt having a section dont think i wd opt for another sweep this time as found it very sore...but did work thou!!
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