Hi, I finally had my harry at 0.48 this morning after a long wait, went into hospital on Tuesday for reduced movement, while there they realised that his heartbeat was dipping everytime he moved so as I was so close to due date they decided to keep me in and start me off. As there was no room on ward I was keep on normal ward overnight then on Wednesday I was finally moved onto induction ward. After the evening and nightime I was given a pessary thing with string attached to start me off. It was only in for a few hours and it fell out down toilet with my bloody show, by the time I got back to the ward I was having strong contactions every 3 mins. They decided to do the worst thing possible and lay me down and put me on moniter which stopped contractions, luckily they still sent me to delivary ward which is where the probs started. I was found to be 4cm dilited already. I went on gas and air and manged fine for the next 3hrs, they re examined me and I was still 4cms, they decided to put me on drip to speed them up. To say it was painful was an understatement, I don't think I had ever experienced something so painful, I begged for c section or forceps but was refused. this went on for hours and hours and I couldn't progress from 4cms. I couldn't handle it anymore so I had epidural, the lady was half way through and decied to throw up, then 2 mins after epidural went in even though I was only 4cm I had a sudden urge to push, I tried so hard not to push but it just took over and I had to, I went from 4cm to harry being born in seconds. midwifes had to catch him. As you can gather I tore which is painful but not to bad. Home now and harry is asleep, his big sis loves him, she keeps sroking him. My family is now complete and I will never ever ever go through another preganacy or birth again. Good luck to all you other ladies left, cant wait to see your birth stories