Just curious to any other people who have had the same problem has i'm having now,All through my pregnancy even from my 1st dating scan which dated me at 11wk 4d i have been dated 1 week ahead,Know when ovulation happend as used OPK and only dtd 1 day in that month and got a pos preg test 2 weeks after the night doctor dated me at 5wks and he msut of been right even though he dated me at a 28 day cycle...Never have i had a 28 day cycle so therefore i cant understand why i am being dated this way and why scans would say i was futher into pregnancy than i actually am?? I seen my dc and mw about this and they said nothing but "they would go from dated given on dating scan and nothing else" regardless of me knowing my dates are incorrect...Am i right in thinking scans are promgrammed to a woman having a 28 day cycle which happens to make woman have a due date that is wrong? Or could it just be that at 11wk 4d my baby was measuring longer than usual????