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have always felt like here is something 'off' or 'missing' from me..anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2012
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I have ALWAYS, ever since I was a kid, felt like something was missing from me. Is there anyone else like this??

It's a very strange feeling...indescribable but i'll try... it's kind of like how i'd imagine twins feel when they grow up separated, or someone who has been adopted out but doesn't know it. It feels like something really important is missing but you don't know what.. you kinda wait and wait to see if it's something that can be filled, like having a great social life, a great relationship or having a job you love... but it's always there tugging at you even in your most happy moments.

It's sort of a waiting feeling, mixed with anxiety and discontent. Feels like I should be somewhere else doing something different and i'm not supposed to be here, or theres another life waiting for me.

It sounds stupid and crazy but I truly feel like one day somethings going to happen that explains everything... like my parents telling me I'm not theirs or something. Or even maybe that I had a life course I was supposed to take, even something small like I have a passion i'm not for-filling, and it's my calling...???

It's an incredibly isolating feeling, I always feel very lonely and misplaced even when i'm in good company.

PLEASE tell me i'm not the only one who feels like this????? any ideas on what this could be???

Thank you so much for reading :flower:
Maybe the gap will be filled when you have children? :flower:
Thanks LynseyPynsey. I hope that's not the case though... I don't want this missing feeling to be filled with a person, because thats a huge amount of emotion to invest in someone.. and a lot of pressure for a child. To put all your hopes and fulfilment wishes on a child seems dangerous, what will it be like when they leave home or moved overseas? ya know.

I'm crossing my fingers that i'll find a career I LOVE and that will fill this void. Or even something else, just not someone else.

At the same time, I'm sure a child would cure the feeling for a while before they grow up.
I believe that everyone has a void in them that is God. I think He wants to fill it and make us whole. Until He saved me I had that void as well.
I think it could just be anxiety and stress honey. I see by your ticker that you only have 4 months left of Uni? Once you've sat your last exam, written your last paper then I'm sure you'll start to relax a little more. Then once you've found a job you're happy doing then perhaps the 'void' may start to close up. How old are you btw? Maybe you need to do a bit of travelling before settling into your career xx
I haven't had this problem but didn't want to R&R :hugs:
I'm gonna go deep- so please bare with me... but that empty "feeling" cannot be filled by something or someone. It's something YOU need to figure out within yourself hun... I would honestly recommend some counseling. To find the root of that issue- where it comes from. Most likely something in your childhood at you say it's been around long as you can recall.

Hope that, whatever it is- you figure it out. I think with enlightenment, our own contentment is easier to come by. You obvioulsy have a lot to be happy about- but, not to get all polly anna- lol- the only way to be truly happy is to be truly happy within yourself :) All much easier said than done- there is no quick fix. I know. But I do think self discovery can help. Just my two cents though- based on my life experiences- so take it for what it's worth to you ;) haha
I have felt like this for a good 3 years now, and I agree with the PP - I dont think anyone can fill that gap except me, as I feel like its a part of me thats missing.

Thank you all so much for replying :flower:

I've been working myself sick lately with my job and uni trying to keep busy to stop feeling or thinking, because that nagging feeling won't go away.

To answer your questions, yes I am in my last few months and that stress will be contributing, however like I said, it's always been there.

And I am 21 :) I have traveled, and I do think that for many people travel is a way into self discovery, and it has built my character. It will help, but I don't really think thats 'it' although I really need to work on 'finding myself' and being comfortable with myself and my own company.

seoj-- love your post :) you are correct, only I can fill that space, and I don't think it's fair or healthy to hope that someone will fill that void for you- because people leave, die, and let you down, it's an unstable thing to put your life into- if you know what I mean?

Some days I can't help but feel like a child would make it all better- by giving me some fulfilment and purpose. But they are kids temporarily, then i'll be left to the same issue again.

Thanks :flower:
have you ever asked your parents about these feelings you have? xx
I felt like this... I then accepted my sexuality and I feel better (not saying this is your problem, just saying :flower: )
I feel like this also, but, I think mine is because I don't have children & think it will be filled when I do xxx
have you ever asked your parents about these feelings you have? xx

No i haven't, they are sort of the kind of people that would think I was being stupid or dramatic and shrug it off :( I don'y know if they'd have much insight anyway... maybe I should ask them one day


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